The image dataset is used by the CMU Face Detection Project and is provided for evaluating algorithms for detecting frontal views of human faces. This particular test set was originally assembled as part of work in Neural Network Based Face Detection. It combines images collected at CMU and MIT.
Please give appropriate acknowledgements when you use these test sets. In the lists of files below, you will find references to Test Sets A, B, C and the Rotated Test Set. Test Set B was provided by Kah-Kay Sung and Tomaso Poggio at the AI/CBCL Lab at MIT, and Test Sets A,C and the rotatated test set were collected here at CMU (by Henry A. Rowley, Shumeet Baluja, and Takeo Kanade).
In [Schneiderman and Kanade, 2000] and [Schneiderman and Kanade, 1998] we refer to the combination of test sets A, B, and C as the "combined test sets of Sung and Poggio and Rowley, Baluja, and Kanade." In [Rowley, Baluja, and Kanade, 1998] we refer to the combination of sets A, B, C as "test set one" and in [Rowley, Baluja, and Kanade, 1997] we refer to it as the "upright set" as distinguished from the "rotated set."

属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 53564 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\217.gif
文件 110888 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\221.gif
文件 111600 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\3.gif
文件 76812 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\af2206b.gif
文件 92570 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\af5302a.gif
文件 70612 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\am4945a.gif
文件 73096 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\am5020a.gif
文件 82574 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\am5399c.gif
文件 89852 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\am5438a.gif
文件 72252 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\am5438b.gif
文件 71070 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\am5528a.gif
文件 50304 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\am6227a.gif
文件 88085 1997-11-17 07:55 rotated\ashley1.gif
文件 49706 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\bf5275a.gif
文件 40175 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\bm5205a.gif
文件 42785 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\bm6290a.gif
文件 106065 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\boerli01.gif
文件 143097 1997-11-18 08:20 rotated\cast1.gif
文件 36912 1997-11-17 07:55 rotated\cyndi4.gif
文件 30604 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\dole2.gif
文件 46153 1997-11-17 07:55 rotated\eliz2.gif
文件 71327 1997-11-17 07:17 rotated\har-bwolen-hcwong-image7.gif
文件 498186 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\har-wet.gif
文件 198665 1997-11-19 07:16 rotated\jprc.gif
文件 224734 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\kaari.rot.gif
文件 47184 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\mapakent.gif
文件 22286 1997-11-18 08:20 rotated\married2.gif
文件 183321 1997-11-17 07:17 rotated\mir.gif
文件 191240 1997-11-17 07:17 rotated\mir2.gif
文件 72136 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\pict_28.gif
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 53564 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\217.gif
文件 110888 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\221.gif
文件 111600 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\3.gif
文件 76812 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\af2206b.gif
文件 92570 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\af5302a.gif
文件 70612 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\am4945a.gif
文件 73096 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\am5020a.gif
文件 82574 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\am5399c.gif
文件 89852 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\am5438a.gif
文件 72252 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\am5438b.gif
文件 71070 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\am5528a.gif
文件 50304 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\am6227a.gif
文件 88085 1997-11-17 07:55 rotated\ashley1.gif
文件 49706 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\bf5275a.gif
文件 40175 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\bm5205a.gif
文件 42785 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\bm6290a.gif
文件 106065 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\boerli01.gif
文件 143097 1997-11-18 08:20 rotated\cast1.gif
文件 36912 1997-11-17 07:55 rotated\cyndi4.gif
文件 30604 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\dole2.gif
文件 46153 1997-11-17 07:55 rotated\eliz2.gif
文件 71327 1997-11-17 07:17 rotated\har-bwolen-hcwong-image7.gif
文件 498186 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\har-wet.gif
文件 198665 1997-11-19 07:16 rotated\jprc.gif
文件 224734 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\kaari.rot.gif
文件 47184 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\mapakent.gif
文件 22286 1997-11-18 08:20 rotated\married2.gif
文件 183321 1997-11-17 07:17 rotated\mir.gif
文件 191240 1997-11-17 07:17 rotated\mir2.gif
文件 72136 1997-11-17 07:59 rotated\pict_28.gif
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