%function [ndataa]=blocknormalize(data)
% The function BLOCKNORMALIZE normalizes each block of the input signal
% as defined by zero crossings to have a maximum amplitude of 1.
% Suggestion: if the routine is needed than use it with caution.
disp(‘Using block-normalize are you sure?!‘)
disp(‘Slope discontinuous will happen in left and right side about a zero‘)
% Calling sequence-
% [ndataa]=blocknormalize(data)
% Input-
% data - 2-D matrix data(nptncol)
% Output-
% ndata - 2-D matrix of normalized data (FM)
% a - 2-D matrix of envelope (AM)
% Used by-
% FA
%written by
% Kenneth Arnold (NASA GSFC) Summer 2003 Initial
% Kenneth Arnold (NASA GSFC) June 6 2004 Tweaked
%footnote: S.C.Su (2009/09/01)
%this code is with complex structurebut easy meanings
%just remember about some easy sentences
%“Blocks are defined as those segments between the zero-crossing points“
%“Finding the extreme value in each blockthe value is the amplitude of this block“
%1.read the datacheck input matrix
%2.Do the normalization for an IMF ---loop A start
%3.checking each data value from the beginning point of each block----loop B start
%4.read the sign (+-0) form starting of every block
%5. make judgement block by blockstart from point 1-----loop C start
%6.judge the value about its signdifferent sign means the end of this block
%7.judge the value about its signthe same sign means still in the same block
%5. make judgement block by blockstart from point 1-----loop C end
%3.checking each data value from the beginning point of each block----loop B end
%2.Do the normalization for an IMF ---loop A end
function [ndataa]=blocknormalize(data)
%1.read the datacheck input matrix
%----- Get the dimension
[nptncol] = size(data);
%----- Flip data if needed
if (ncol > npt)
[nptncol] = size(data);
%----- Initialize amplitude matrix
a = ones(nptncol);
%2.Do the normalization for an IMF ---loop A start
%----- Process each column of data
for col=1:ncol
%3.checking each data value from the beginning point of each block----loop B start
while (i<=npt)
%4.read the sign (+-0) form starting of every block
blockSign = sign(data(icol)); %get blocksign : + or -or 0find it first
% when zero is meetuse right-hand side sign as the blocksign for it
while (blockSign == 0 & i < npt) % handle zero case
blockSign = sign(data(icol));
if (i==npt)
break; %after all values are checkedthis if help to stop “while“
%5. make judgement block by blockstart from point 1-----loop C start
blockExtr = 0; % extreme value (maximum or minimum)
%----- Find the end of this block and its extreme value
for (j=i:npt) %this block from (i~j)
j; %the jth value is the value that we are
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 192592 2018-03-22 20:16 EMD程序\EEMD\01.wav
文件 4316 2009-10-08 01:34 EMD程序\EEMD\blocknormalize.m
文件 5770 2009-10-08 16:07 EMD程序\EEMD\confidenceLine.m
文件 2115 2009-10-08 16:07 EMD程序\EEMD\dist_value.m
文件 5369 2018-07-11 16:29 EMD程序\EEMD\eemd.m
文件 853 2009-10-08 15:37 EMD程序\EEMD\emax.m
文件 867 2009-10-08 15:36 EMD程序\EEMD\emin.m
文件 9997 2009-10-08 16:52 EMD程序\EEMD\endprocess1.m
文件 1296 2009-11-25 13:16 EMD程序\EEMD\endprocess1.p
文件 759 2018-07-11 19:59 EMD程序\EEMD\entropy.m
文件 5345 2018-07-08 21:41 EMD程序\EEMD\ex02d.m
文件 4361 2009-10-08 15:59 EMD程序\EEMD\extrema.m
文件 7935 2009-10-27 04:03 EMD程序\EEMD\fa.m
文件 3356 2009-10-08 01:39 EMD程序\EEMD\FAacos.m
文件 3013 2009-10-21 16:40 EMD程序\EEMD\FAcosfor.m
文件 1528 2009-10-08 01:42 EMD程序\EEMD\FAhilbert.m
文件 1603 2009-10-27 04:11 EMD程序\EEMD\FAimpHilbert.m
文件 7896 2009-10-08 01:42 EMD程序\EEMD\FAquadrature.m
文件 6695 2009-10-08 01:38 EMD程序\EEMD\FAzc.m
文件 3103 2009-10-08 15:46 EMD程序\EEMD\findcriticalpoints.m
文件 6536 2009-10-08 16:41 EMD程序\EEMD\findEE.m
文件 11957 2009-10-12 01:41 EMD程序\EEMD\findEEfsp.m
文件 13153 2009-10-11 12:08 EMD程序\EEMD\fspecial.m
文件 3794 2009-10-12 00:01 EMD程序\EEMD\FSPHSP.m
文件 2207 2009-10-11 16:47 EMD程序\EEMD\hilbert.m
文件 1683 2009-10-08 01:37 EMD程序\EEMD\hilbertnormalize.m
文件 18846 2009-10-27 04:06 EMD程序\EEMD\hilbtm.m
文件 3502 2009-10-08 15:58 EMD程序\EEMD\ifndq.m
文件 3610 2009-10-08 01:36 EMD程序\EEMD\linearnormalize.m
文件 2614 2009-10-09 00:36 EMD程序\EEMD\local_max.m
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