using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Utilities;
using System.IO.Ports;
namespace key_preview {
public partial class Form1 : Form {
globalKeyboardHook gkh = new globalKeyboardHook();
SerialPort port;
private string stringtosend; //holds the commands to be sent out
public Form1() {
//This routine is triggered when the com port recieves data
private void serialPort1_DataReceived(object sender System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
// string line = port.ReadLine();
string line = port.ReadExisting(); //works better than the above command doesn‘t seem to miss input data.
this.BeginInvoke(new LineReceivedEvent(LineReceived) line);
protected override void onmousemove(MouseEventArgs mouseEv) //Called when mouse moves
textBoxMousePosition.Text = mouseEv.X.ToString() + “ “ + mouseEv.Y.ToString();
private delegate void LineReceivedEvent(string line); //called when data is recieved at the port
private void LineReceived(string TextRecieved)
txtRecieved.Text = TextRecieved;
private void Form1_Load(object sender EventArgs e) {
gkh.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(gkh_KeyDown);
gkh.KeyUp += new KeyEventHandler(gkh_KeyUp);
void gkh_KeyUp(object sender KeyEventArgs e) { //Called when a keyboard key is released
e.Handled = true;
void gkh_KeyDown(object sender KeyEventArgs e) {
e.Handled = true;
//send the command responding to the key that has been pressed
if (e.KeyCode == Keys.NumPad1) { LinearMove(225); } //Numpad 1 pressed - Move back - left
else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.NumPad2) { LinearMove(270); } //Numpad 2 pressed - Move back
else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.NumPad3) { LinearMove(315); } //Numpad 3 pressed - Move back - right
else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.NumPad4) { LinearMove(180); } //Numpad 4 pressed - Mo
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
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文件 341533 2012-10-06 01:31 HF08 Models and Software\Body Print Plate 1.stl
文件 496368 2012-10-06 01:29 HF08 Models and Software\Body Print Plate 2.igs
文件 511723 2012-10-06 01:31 HF08 Models and Software\Body Print Plate 2.stl
文件 167265 2012-10-06 01:29 HF08 Models and Software\Body Print Plate 3.igs
文件 339301 2012-10-06 01:30 HF08 Models and Software\Body Print Plate 3.stl
文件 37701 2012-10-06 01:43 HF08 Models and Software\GNU General Public Licence.html
目录 0 2012-10-06 01:47 HF08 Models and Software\Hexapod Controller 06\
文件 2213 2012-09-04 20:21 HF08 Models and Software\Hexapod Controller 06\0.png
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文件 2183 2012-09-04 20:18 HF08 Models and Software\Hexapod Controller 06\180.png
文件 2346 2012-09-04 20:19 HF08 Models and Software\Hexapod Controller 06\225.png
文件 2275 2012-09-04 20:19 HF08 Models and Software\Hexapod Controller 06\270.png
文件 2320 2012-09-04 20:20 HF08 Models and Software\Hexapod Controller 06\315.png
文件 2241 2012-09-04 20:17 HF08 Models and Software\Hexapod Controller 06\45.png
文件 2222 2012-09-04 20:18 HF08 Models and Software\Hexapod Controller 06\90.png
文件 370070 2009-01-07 22:22 HF08 Models and Software\Hexapod Controller 06\frog_256.ico
文件 947 2012-10-02 18:40 HF08 Models and Software\Hexapod Controller 06\Hexapod Controller.sln
文件 27136 2012-10-06 01:48 HF08 Models and Software\Hexapod Controller 06\Hexapod Controller.suo
文件 2130 2012-09-04 21:11 HF08 Models and Software\Hexapod Controller 06\Home.png
文件 1017323 2012-09-04 20:09 HF08 Models and Software\Hexapod Controller 06\jpg1.jpg
目录 0 2012-10-06 01:45 HF08 Models and Software\Hexapod Controller 06\key preview\
目录 0 2012-10-06 01:45 HF08 Models and Software\Hexapod Controller 06\key preview\bin\
目录 0 2012-10-06 01:45 HF08 Models and Software\Hexapod Controller 06\key preview\bin\Debug\
目录 0 2012-10-06 01:45 HF08 Models and Software\Hexapod Controller 06\key preview\bin\Release\
文件 4705 2012-10-02 18:20 HF08 Models and Software\Hexapod Controller 06\key preview\bin\Release\key preview sample.zip
文件 437760 2012-10-06 01:48 HF08 Models and Software\Hexapod Controller 06\key preview\bin\Release\key preview.exe
文件 38400 2012-10-06 01:48 HF08 Models and Software\Hexapod Controller 06\key preview\bin\Release\key preview.pdb
文件 11592 2012-10-06 01:48 HF08 Models and Software\Hexapod Controller 06\key preview\bin\Release\key preview.vshost.exe
文件 490 2010-03-17 22:39 HF08 Models and Software\Hexapod Controller 06\key preview\bin\Release\key preview.vshost.exe.manifest
文件 9981 2012-10-03 20:57 HF08 Models and Software\Hexapod Controller 06\key preview\Form1.cs
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