%This code shifts the control points specified by gridx and gridy by
%computing the normalized cross-correlation coefficient.
function [validxvalidy]=automate_image_GUI_compatible(filenamelist...
%Initialize variables:
validx = zeros(N_ptsN_images_correlated);
validy = zeros(N_ptsN_images_correlated);
validx(:1) = gridx;
validy(:1) = gridy;
% Initialize the JAVA progress bar
try % Initialization
percent = 1;
do_debug = 1;
ppm = ParforProgressStarter2(‘Correlate Images Progress Bar‘ ...
N_images_correlated percent do_debug);
catch me % make sure “ParforProgressStarter2“ didn‘t get moved to a different directory
if strcmp(me.message ‘Undefined function or method ‘‘ParforProgressStarter2‘‘ for input arguments of type ‘‘char‘‘.‘)
error(‘ParforProgressStarter2 not in path.‘);
% this should NEVER EVER happen.
msg{1} = ‘Unknown error while initializing “ParforProgressStarter2“:‘;
msg{2} = me.message;
% backup solution so that we can still continue.
ppm.increment = nan(1 N_images_correlated);
% Choose serial or parallel loop and run through the loop over the images
if strcmp(loop_type‘serial‘) == 1 %Use serial loops
[validx validy] = serial(filenamelistreductiongridxgridy...
elseif strcmp(loop_type‘parallel‘) == 1 %Use parallel loops
[validxvalidy] = parallel(filenamelistreductiongridxgridy...
%Close the wait bar
try % use try / catch here since delete(struct) will raise an error.
catch me %#ok
%% This function uses a serial for loop to run through the images
function [validxvalidy] = serial(filenamelistreductiongridxgridy...
for i=1:N_images_correlated %Loop over all the images in the set
%% Read in the reference image
if ref_image == 1 %Reference image = first image
base_points = zeros(N_pts2);
base_points(:1) = gridx;
base_points(:2) = gridy;
if reduction ~= 1
base = imresize(imread(filenamelist(1:))1/reduction);
base = imread(filenamelist(1:));
elseif ref_image == 2 %Reference image = preceeding image
if i == 1 %Self correlation of the first image with itself
if reduction ~= 1
base = imresize(imread(filenamelist(1:))1/reduction);
base = imread(filena
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2018-11-16 16:25 sandianwanqu数据\
目录 0 2018-11-16 16:25 sandianwanqu数据\Matlab DIC files\
文件 12184 2014-02-12 14:33 sandianwanqu数据\Matlab DIC files\FEM_strains_setup_GUI_compatible.m
文件 1687 2014-02-12 14:33 sandianwanqu数据\Matlab DIC files\Gauss_Quad.m
文件 4520 2014-02-12 14:33 sandianwanqu数据\Matlab DIC files\ParforProgress2.m
文件 3638 2014-02-12 14:33 sandianwanqu数据\Matlab DIC files\ParforProgressClient2.class
文件 7618 2014-02-12 14:33 sandianwanqu数据\Matlab DIC files\ParforProgressClient2.java
文件 1473 2014-02-12 14:33 sandianwanqu数据\Matlab DIC files\ParforProgressConsole2.m
文件 1030 2014-02-12 14:33 sandianwanqu数据\Matlab DIC files\ParforProgressServer2$1.class
文件 9144 2014-02-12 14:33 sandianwanqu数据\Matlab DIC files\ParforProgressServer2.class
文件 17291 2014-02-12 14:33 sandianwanqu数据\Matlab DIC files\ParforProgressServer2.java
文件 3578 2014-02-12 14:33 sandianwanqu数据\Matlab DIC files\ParforProgressStarter2.m
文件 1647 2014-02-12 14:33 sandianwanqu数据\Matlab DIC files\ParforProgressStressTest2.m
文件 13381 2014-02-12 14:33 sandianwanqu数据\Matlab DIC files\Shape_Funct_LH.m
文件 6122 2014-02-12 14:33 sandianwanqu数据\Matlab DIC files\automate_image_GUI_compatible.m
文件 1686 2014-02-12 14:33 sandianwanqu数据\Matlab DIC files\average_image.m
文件 3372 2014-02-12 14:33 sandianwanqu数据\Matlab DIC files\average_line_GUI_compatible.m
文件 5919 2014-02-12 14:33 sandianwanqu数据\Matlab DIC files\calc_derivatives_GUI_compatible.m
文件 1556 2014-02-12 14:33 sandianwanqu数据\Matlab DIC files\calc_disp.m
文件 2026 2014-02-12 14:33 sandianwanqu数据\Matlab DIC files\calc_disp_reduced.m
文件 1182 2014-07-18 10:28 sandianwanqu数据\Matlab DIC files\calc_strains_GUI_compatible.m
文件 591 2014-02-12 14:33 sandianwanqu数据\Matlab DIC files\calc_strains_loop.m
文件 7648 2014-02-12 14:33 sandianwanqu数据\Matlab DIC files\compute_data_GUI.fig
文件 16781 2014-02-12 14:33 sandianwanqu数据\Matlab DIC files\compute_data_GUI.m
文件 9617 2014-02-12 14:33 sandianwanqu数据\Matlab DIC files\correlate_images_GUI.fig
文件 30188 2014-02-12 14:33 sandianwanqu数据\Matlab DIC files\correlate_images_GUI.m
文件 9632 2014-12-01 16:03 sandianwanqu数据\Matlab DIC files\cpcorr_mod.m
文件 760 2014-02-12 14:33 sandianwanqu数据\Matlab DIC files\data_avg_GUI_compatible.m
文件 1217 2014-02-12 14:33 sandianwanqu数据\Matlab DIC files\deformed_grid.m
文件 3921 2014-02-12 14:33 sandianwanqu数据\Matlab DIC files\delete_data_GUI.fig
文件 23405 2014-02-12 14:33 sandianwanqu数据\Matlab DIC files\delete_data_GUI.m
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