There are a multitude of books out there to help you hone your
Verification skills, as almost every Digital IC professional
will tell you. The available books run the gamut of quality and
ease of use. The major strength of this book is a place where
many of those books fall down – they are not what they claim
to be. Vanessa’s book is a great example of exactly what it
claims to be – a guide for the “beginner”. “Beginner” is
used loosely in this context because the book does not shy away
from advanced concepts (the Factory, register package
prediction, etc.)
- 上一篇:STATCOM原理及实现
- 下一篇:亿泰 DCS-168pc 客户端软件
- uvm user guide
- uvm+vcs+verdi基本平台搭建
- A Practical Guide to Adopting the Universal Ve
- UVM实战
- uvm_ref_flow_2013.05
- UVM实战卷1
- uvm_users_guide_1.1(学习uvm必备,可添加
- UVM实战 张强
- 数字电路验证环境UVM实战教学
- uvm-cookbook-complete-verification-academy
- modelsim/questasim-gcc-4.5.0-mingw64编译器
- The UVM Primer中文+英文
- UVM验证方法学
- UVM_A Practical Guide to Adopting the Universa
- TheUVMPrimer.pdf
- 芯片验证漫游指南以及源代码.zip
- UVM经典学习资料
- vim下systemverilog/VMM/UVM语法高亮文件
- 03_UVM-Harness.pdf
- UVM实战以及源代码
- UVM实战 卷 I pdf
- vim_verilog_systemverilog_uvm_语法高亮.zip
- UVM实战参考代码 example_and_uvm_source_c
- uvm_1.1d参考
- uvm实战源码.rar
- UVM 验证测试平台搭建简单(详细)
- UVM 1.2源码包
- xbus的UVM代码
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