by Maarten van Steen (Author)
This book aims to explain the basics of graph theory that are needed at an introductory level for students in computer or information sciences. To motivate students and to show that even these basic notions can be extremely useful, the book also aims to provide an introduction to the modern field of network science. Mathematics is often unnecessarily difficult for students, at times even intimidating. For this reason, explicit attention is paid in the first chapters to mathematical notations and proof techniques, emphasizing that the notations form the biggest obstacle, not the mathematical concepts themselves. This approach allows to gradually prepare students for using tools that are necessary to put graph theory to work: complex networks. In the second part of the book the student learns about random networks, small worlds, the structure of the Internet and the Web, peer-to-peer systems, and social networks. Again, everything is discussed at an elementary level, but such that in the end students indeed have the feeling that they: 1.Have learned how to read and understand the basic mathematics related to graph theory.
- 上一篇:单片机模糊控制系统设计
- 下一篇:雷达工程学
- 图论(含大量竞赛题)
- 哈工大集合论与图论课件
- 图论及其应用邦迪着中文版
- 图论:最短路径+最小生成树+中心度计
- pajek软件 复杂网络可视化分析工具
- 复杂网络演化博弈理论研究综述
- Introduction to Graph Theory West 2e solutions
- 图论导引习题答案 Introduction to Graph
- 山东大学2018算法导论图论考试复习总
- 图论及应用王树禾第二版答案
- 复杂网络建模
- 图论导论完全
- 图论教材英文,J.A. Bondy U.S.R. Murty
- NodeXL安装包
- 图论及其应用邦迪
- 图论简明教程
- 图论与网络流理论 高随祥著
- 图论导引Introduction to graph theory 2nd e
- 图论 王树禾 pdf 第二版
- 超图+有限集的组合学.pdf
- Introduction to Graph Theory 2ed.pdf
- 图论及其应用邦迪的中文版习题解答
- 图论及其应用-孙惠泉-科学出版社-2
- 基于复杂网络的城市交通拥堵传播
- 图论答案,南京大学计算机系图论课
- 图论习题答案
- science复杂系统与网络专辑
- ucinet6中文版
- gephi作图帮助文档
- 图论及其应用论文
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