// F00x_ADC0_ExternalInput.c
// Copyright 2006 Silicon Laboratories Inc.
// http://www.silabs.com
// Program Description:
// This program measures the voltage on an external ADC input and prints the
// result to a terminal window via the UART.
// The system is clocked using an external 22.1184 MHz crystal oscillator.
// Results are printed to the UART from a loop with the rate set by a delay
// based on Timer 2. This loop periodically reads the ADC value from a
// global variable Result.
// The ADC makes repeated measurements at a rate determined by SAMPLE_RATE using
// Timer 3. The end of each ADC conversion initiates an interrupt which calls an
// averaging function. samples are averaged then the Result value updated.
// For each power of 4 of you gain 1 bit of effective resolution.
// For example = 256 gain you 4 bits of resolution: 4^4 = 256.
// The ADC input multiplexer is set for a single-ended input at AIN0. The input
// amplifier is set for unity gain so a voltage range of 0 to Vref (2.43V) may
// be measured. Although voltages up to Vdd may be applied without damaging the
// device only the range 0 to Vref may be measured by the ADC.
// The input is available at the 8-position board-edge connector J20 on the
// C8051F005-TB.
// A 100kohm potentiometer may be connected as a voltage divider between
// VREF and AGND as shown below:
// ---------
// |
// 8 o| AGND ----|
// o| VREF ----|<-|
// o| AIN0 | |
// o| | |
// o| --------
// o|
// o|
// 1 o|
// |
// How To Test:
// 1) Download code to a ‘F005 device that is connected to a UART transceiver
// 2) Connect serial cable from the transceiver to a PC
// 3) On the PC open HyperTerminal (or any other terminal program) and connect
// to the COM port at and 8-N-1
// 4) Connect a variable voltage source (between 0 and Vref)
// to AIN0 or a potentiometer voltage divider as shown above.
// 5) HyperTerminal will print the voltage measured by the device if
// everything is working properly
// Target: C8051F005
// Tool chain: Keil C51 7.50 / Keil EVAL C51
// Command Line: None
// Release 1.0
// -Initial Revision (PD)
// -27-Jul-06
// Includes
#include // SFR declarations
// 16-bit SFR Definitions for ‘F00x
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 15026 2009-04-21 10:15 C8051F全系列例程代码\C8051F00x_01x\ADC\F00x_ADC0_ExternalInput.c
文件 20303 2009-04-21 10:15 C8051F全系列例程代码\C8051F00x_01x\ADC\F00x_ADC0_ExternalInput_Mux.c
文件 9971 2009-04-21 10:15 C8051F全系列例程代码\C8051F00x_01x\ADC\F00x_ADC0_TempSensor.asm
文件 14646 2009-04-21 10:16 C8051F全系列例程代码\C8051F00x_01x\bl
文件 9646 2009-04-21 10:16 C8051F全系列例程代码\C8051F00x_01x\bl
文件 2713 2009-04-21 10:15 C8051F全系列例程代码\C8051F00x_01x\bl
文件 2884 2009-04-21 10:15 C8051F全系列例程代码\C8051F00x_01x\bl
文件 32172 2009-04-21 10:15 C8051F全系列例程代码\C8051F00x_01x\bl
文件 32166 2009-04-21 10:15 C8051F全系列例程代码\C8051F00x_01x\bl
文件 8235 2009-04-21 10:15 C8051F全系列例程代码\C8051F00x_01x\Comparators\F00x_Comparator0_ResetSource.c
文件 12438 2009-04-21 10:15 C8051F全系列例程代码\C8051F00x_01x\DAC\F0xx_DACs_SineCosine.c
文件 14646 2009-04-21 10:16 C8051F全系列例程代码\C8051F00x_01x\Header_Files\c8051F000.h
文件 9646 2009-04-21 10:16 C8051F全系列例程代码\C8051F00x_01x\Header_Files\C8051F000.INC
文件 6691 2009-04-21 10:15 C8051F全系列例程代码\C8051F00x_01x\Interrupts\F00x_External_Interrupts.c
文件 11149 2009-04-21 10:15 C8051F全系列例程代码\C8051F00x_01x\Oscillators\F0xx_Oscillator_Capacitor.c
文件 8715 2009-04-21 10:15 C8051F全系列例程代码\C8051F00x_01x\Oscillators\F0xx_Oscillator_CMOS.c
文件 9517 2009-04-21 10:15 C8051F全系列例程代码\C8051F00x_01x\Oscillators\F0xx_Oscillator_Crystal.c
文件 10587 2009-04-21 10:15 C8051F全系列例程代码\C8051F00x_01x\Oscillators\F0xx_Oscillator_RC.c
文件 8628 2009-04-21 10:15 C8051F全系列例程代码\C8051F00x_01x\PCA\F00x_PCA0_8Bit_PWM_Output.c
文件 11472 2009-04-21 10:15 C8051F全系列例程代码\C8051F00x_01x\PCA\F00x_PCA0_Capture_Input.c
文件 9864 2009-04-21 10:15 C8051F全系列例程代码\C8051F00x_01x\PCA\F0xx_PCA0_High_Speed_Output.c
文件 10558 2009-04-21 10:15 C8051F全系列例程代码\C8051F00x_01x\PCA\F0xx_PCA0_Software_Timer_bl
文件 5313 2009-04-21 10:15 C8051F全系列例程代码\C8051F00x_01x\PortIO\F00x_Ports_SwitchLED.c
文件 32267 2009-04-21 10:15 C8051F全系列例程代码\C8051F00x_01x\SMBus\F0xx_SMBus_EEPROM.c
文件 20129 2009-04-21 10:15 C8051F全系列例程代码\C8051F00x_01x\SMBus\F0xx_SMBus_Master.c
文件 22306 2009-04-21 10:15 C8051F全系列例程代码\C8051F00x_01x\SMBus\F0xx_SMBus_Master_Multibyte.c
文件 27288 2009-04-21 10:15 C8051F全系列例程代码\C8051F00x_01x\SMBus\F0xx_SMBus_Multimaster.c
文件 13627 2009-04-21 10:15 C8051F全系列例程代码\C8051F00x_01x\SMBus\F0xx_SMBus_Slave.c
文件 15467 2009-04-21 10:15 C8051F全系列例程代码\C8051F00x_01x\SMBus\F0xx_SMBus_Slave_Multibyte.c
文件 17411 2009-04-21 10:15 C8051F全系列例程代码\C8051F00x_01x\SPI\F00x_SPI0_EEPROM_Polled_Mode.c
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