孙德清文章 Secrets of Optical Flow Estimation and Their Principles 文章及其代码,更深的了解optical flow 原理及严谨的代码,对于光流的学习有很大帮助
function uvo = estimate_flow_demo(method iSeq seqName varargin)
%ESTIMATE_FLOW_DEMO Optical flow estimation demo program
% output UV is an M*N*2 matrix. UV(::1) is the horizontal flow and
% UV(::2) is the vertical flow.
% Example
% -------
% uv = estimate_flow_demo; or estimate_flow_demo;
% reads the color RubberWhale sequence and uses default parameters and
% default method “Classic+NL-Fast“
% same as
% uv = estimate_flow_demo(‘classic+nl-fast‘);
% uv = estimate_flow_demo(‘classic+nl-fast‘ 4 ‘middle-other‘);
% uv = estimate_flow_demo(‘classic+nl-fast‘ 4 ‘middle-other‘ ‘lambda‘ 3 ‘pyramid_levels‘ 5);
% takes user-defined parameters
% Method can be
% ‘classic+nl-fast‘ (default) ‘classic+nl‘ ‘classic+nl-full‘
% ‘classic++‘ ‘classic-c‘ ‘classic-l‘/‘ba‘ ‘hs‘
% iSeq can ben 1 to 12: selects the sequence in the following cell arrays to process
% % training data
% SeqName = ‘middle-other‘
% {‘Venus‘ ‘Dimetrodon‘ ‘Hydrangea‘ ‘RubberWhale‘...
% ‘Grove2‘ ‘Grove3‘ ‘Urban2‘ ‘Urban3‘ ...
% ‘Walking‘ ‘Beanbags‘ ‘DogDance‘ ‘MiniCooper‘};
% % test data
% SeqName = ‘middle-eval‘
% {‘Army‘ ‘Mequon‘ ‘Schefflera‘ ‘Wooden‘ ‘Grove‘ ‘Urban‘ ...
% ‘Yosemite‘ ‘Teddy‘ ‘Basketball‘ ‘Evergreen‘ ‘Backyard‘ ‘Dumptruck‘};
% ‘lambda‘ trade-off (regularization) parameter; larger produces smoother flow fields
% ‘sigma_d‘ parameter of the robust penalty function for the spatial term
% ‘sigma_s‘ parameter of the robust penalty function for the data term
% ‘pyramid_levels‘ pyramid levels for the quadratic formulation; default is automatic
% ‘pyramid_spacing‘ downsampling ratio up each pyramid level for the quadratic formulation; default is 2
% ‘gnc_pyramid_levels‘ pyramid levels for the non-quadratic formulation; default is 2
% ‘gnc_pyramid_spacing‘ downsampling ratio up each pyramid level for the non-quadratic formulation; default is 1.25
% References:
% -----------
% Sun D.; Roth S. & Black M. J. “Secrets of Optical Flow Estimation and
% Their Principles“ IEEE Int. Conf. on Comp. Vision & Pattern Recognition 2010
% Sun D.; Roth S. & Black M. J. “A Quantitative Analysis of Current
% Practices in Optical Flow Estimation and The Principles Behind Them“
% Technical Report Brown-CS-10-03 2010
% Authors: Deqing Sun Department of Computer Science Brown University
% Contact: dqsun@cs.brown.edu
% $Date: $
% $Revision: $
% Copyright 2007-2010 Brown University Providence RI. USA
% All Rights Reserved
% All commercial use of this software whether direct or indirect is
% strictly prohibited including without limitation incorporation into in
% a commercial product use in a commercial service or production of other
% artifacts for commercial purposes.
% Permission to use copy modify and distribute this software a
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目录 0 2010-06-11 01:39 flow_code\@classic_nl_optical_flow\
文件 5848 2010-06-11 21:16 flow_code\@classic_nl_optical_flow\classic_nl_optical_flow.m
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