Key Features
Learn PyTorch for implementing cutting-edge deep learning algorithms.
Train your neural networks for higher speed and flexibility and learn how to implement them in various scenarios;
Cover various advanced neural network architecture such as ResNet, Inception, DenseNet and more with practical examples;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 7550822 2018-10-28 10:52 Deep+Learning+with+PyTorch-Packt+Publishing(2018).pdf
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文件 7550822 2018-10-28 10:52 Deep+Learning+with+PyTorch-Packt+Publishing(2018).pdf
- 深度学习pytorch中草药识别
- Bert-Chinese-Text-Classification-Pytorch-maste
- torchvision-0.5.0+cpu-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.
- visdom可视化需要的文件
- PyTorch 模型训练实用教程
- Natural Language Processing with PyTorch - 201
- mobilenet_v2-6a65762b.pth
- Deep learning with Pytorch电子书 - Vishnu S
- PyTorch_tutorial_0.0.4_余霆嵩
yle_tutoria_code&papers.zip - Deep Learning with PyTorch 完整版
- pytorchhandbook
- 卷积与反卷积运算
- 基于pytorch的cnn水果分类器深度学习平
- 深度学习框架-pytorch入门与实践源代码
- pytorch visdom蓝屏,可此文件直接覆盖
- EfficientNet.tar.gz
- pytorch_yolov3_2.zip
- gpt2_chinese_poetry.rar
- pytorch .pt格式的MNIST数据集
- PyTorch Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach 20
- 深度学习框架-PyTorch: 入门与实践(陈
- knowledge_representation_pytorch.zip
- Deep Reinforcement Learning Hands-On pdf
- BEGAN-pyTorch实现
- torch-1.4.0+cpu-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl
- Darknet53-pytorch
- 目标检测模型YOLOv1-v3系列,ssd的pyto
- 《PyTorch深度学习实战侯宜军 著》&《
- 深度学习框架PyTorch:入门与实践.陈云
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