
function [allmode] = eemd(Y NoiseLevel NE numImf varargin)
% fast EMD/EEMD/CEEMD code:
% Copyright (C) RCADA National Central University; 2013
% ***** For Educational and Academic Purposes Only *********
% Author : Yung-Hung Wang RCADA NCU
% Please Cite:
% Y. H. Wang C. H. Yeh H. W. V. Young K. Hu and M. T. Lo
% “On the computational complexity of the empirical mode decomposition
% algorithm“
% Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications vol. 400Issue 15 pp. 159-167 2014
% Usage:
% (A) [allmode]=eemd(Y NoiseLevel NE numImf)
% (B) [allmode]=eemd(xNoiseLevelNEnumImfrunCEEMDmaxSifttypeSplinetoModifyBCrandTypeseedNocheckInput);
% Y: input signal
% NoiseLevel: noise level
% NE: ensemble number; if NE=1 and NoiseLevel = 0 then run EMD [2]
% numImf: number of prescribed imf; if it is less than zeroit will be log2(n) n=data length
%-------------Additional Input Properties-----------------------------------------
% runCEEMD: default=0; 0: run EEMD [3]; 1: CEEMD [4] add anti-phase noise so input signal is reconstructed;
% maxSift:default = 10; sifting iteration number;
% typeSpline: default=2; 1: clamped spline; 2: not a knot spline; 3: natural cubic spline;
% toModifyBC: default=1; 0: None ; 1: modified linear extrapolation; 2: Mirror Boundary
% randType: fefault=2; 1: uniformly distributed random noise; 2: gaussian white noise
% seedNo: default=1; random seed number in generating white noise; The seed number must be an integer between 0 and 2^32 - 1
% checkSignal: default=1; 0=> dont check the input signal; 1: check there is any NaN or Infinity in input;
% allmode[m][t]: returned imfs; m=imf index t=time index
% References
% [1] Y. H. Wang C. H. Yeh H. W. V. Young K. Hu and M. T. Lo
% “On the computational complexity of the empirical mode decomposition algorithm“
% Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications vol. 400 Issue 15 pp. 159-167 2014
% [2] N. E. Huang Z. Shen S. R. Long M. L. Wu H. H. Shih Q. Zheng N. C. Yen C. C. Tung and H. H. Liu
% “The Empirical Mode Decomposition and Hilbert spectrum for nonlinear and non-stationary time series analysis“
% Proc. Roy. Soc. London A Vol. 454 pp. 903995 1998.
% [3] Z. Wu and N. E. Huang “Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition: A
% Noise-Assisted Data Analysis Method“ Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis vol. 1 pp. 1-41 2009.
% [4] J. R. Yeh J. S. Shieh and N. E. Huang “Complementary ensemble empirical
% mode decomposition: A novel noise enhanced data analysis method“
% Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis vol. 2 Issue 2 pp. 135156 2010.
fprintf(‘Copyright (C) RCADA NCU Taiwan.\n‘);
allmode = [];
%verifyCode = 20041017; % For verification of emd
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 21504 2014-09-04 17:26 emd.mexw64
文件 569 2017-04-26 10:55 EMDgjx.m
文件 1377 2017-03-29 14:28 example_eemd.m
文件 2155 2018-06-26 08:59 HHTpu.asv
文件 2154 2018-06-26 09:11 HHTpu.m
文件 1688 2016-03-11 15:32 plot_hht.m
文件 7871 2017-10-02 08:40 eemd.m
文件 22140 2014-09-04 16:52 emd.mexa64
文件 16896 2014-08-01 13:27 emd.mexw32
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
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