
function x = randp(NMalphab)
% randp generates Pareto random variables.
% created: Fri Aug 8 1997 (c) Matthew Roughan
% author: Matthew Roughan
% email: matthew.roughan@adelaide.edu.au
% This function generates Pareto random variables (of type I)
% see “Statistical Distributions“ Evans Hastings and Peacock Wiley 1993
% or http://www.maths.adelaide.edu.au/matthew.roughan/probability_distrns/node6.html
% or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_distribution
% The Pareto distribution is a classic “heavy-tailed“ or “power-law“ distribution.
% It has distribution function
% F(x) = 1 - (b/x)^alpha for x>=b
% and density
% f(x) = (alpha/b) * (b/x)^(alpha+1) for x>=b
% Its mean is
% E[X] = b * alpha/(alpha-1) for alpha>1
% but note that the mean is infinite for alpha<=1
% Its variance is
% Var(X) = b^2 * alpha/[(alpha-1)^2*(alpha-2)] for alpha>1
% but note that the variance is infinite for alpha<=2
% Median
% Med(X) = b * 2^(1/alpha)
% (NM) size of output matrix of random variables
% alpha>0 shape parameter of Pareto distribution
% b>0 location (sometimes called scale) parameter of Pareto distribution
% x an (NM) array of random Pareto distributed numbers
% range of x = [b inf)
% Note the function calls “rand“ so if you want to control the seed use rand(‘state‘ seed).
% Note that the type II Pareto is just shifted so that x>=0 so to obtain this distribution
% just take
% x = randp(NMalphab) - b;
if (alpha <= 0)
error(‘alpha must be > 0‘)
if (b <= 0)
error(‘b must be > 0‘)
if (N<1 | ceil(N) ~= N)
error(‘N must be a positive integer‘)
if (M<1 | ceil(M) ~= M)
error(‘M must be a positive integer‘)
y = rand(NM);
x = b*(1-y).^(-1/alpha);
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文件 1336 2009-08-03 01:56 license.txt
文件 1838 2009-08-03 01:21 randp.m
文件 977 2009-08-03 01:48 randp_test.m
文件 8042 2009-08-03 01:48 randp_test.png
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