带坍塌项的非线性波动方程解爆破和整体解存在的精确条件,蒋毅,张永乐,本文考虑带坍塌项的非线性波动方程。在经典非线性椭圆方程中运用Gagliardo-Nirenberg 不等式, 我们建立了新的不变集。从而得到方程解爆�
- Multiplicity of Solutions of Weighted (pq)
- Global existence and behavior in thehigher-dim
- Multiplicity of positive solutions for p(x)
- Optimal recovery of functions on the sphere on
- Wavelet characterization for multipliers on So
- 一个比Harday-Littlewood猜想有效的计算公
- Strichartz estimates for the wave equation wit
- 广义g-函数在广义Campanato空间上的有界
- The Existence and Stability of Nontrivial St
- Existence of solutions for a p(x)-Kirchhof
- Existence of positive solutions for some singu
- The Existence of Optimal Control for Fully Cou
- Existence of Solutions to Volterra Integral Eq
- Existence of S-asymptotically ω-periodic
- Existence results of infinitely many weak solu
- The quasi-sure existence of solutions for inte
- Existence of positive solutions for singular h
- 不可逆性类完备随机过程的全拓展方
- Skyrme-Hartree-Fock计算11Be的晕结构
- Laguerre 超群上的 Riesz 位势
- Existence of Solutions for Degenerate Elliptic
- Centering Conditions for the Poincar‘
- Existence of nodal solution for semi-linear el
- 基于耗散结构理论的冲击地压防治初
- 基于耗散结构理论的ERP实施风险评估
- 电动汽车用感应电机反馈耗散哈密顿
- Delft3D对污染物的扩散输运计算
- 江苏省燕尾港天文潮的推算
- 一种新的射影重建算法
- Sinusoid envelope voltammetry - A novel voltam
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