Duke University graduate student, Chinese, this is one of my project in compile course. 本人编译原理课的代码
Created on 1511-9-6
@author: Jenny
def foo():
“this is a document“
#save the reserved words
reservedWord = [‘If‘ ‘Else‘ ‘Then‘ ‘End‘ ‘Program‘ ‘Declare‘ ‘Real‘ ‘Integer‘
‘Procedure‘ ‘Value‘ ‘Reference‘ ‘Main‘ ‘Input‘ ‘Output‘ ‘Call‘ ‘Do‘ ‘Until‘]
codeDict = {‘If‘:1 ‘Else‘:2 ‘Then‘:3 ‘End‘:4 ‘Program‘:5 ‘Declare‘:6 ‘Real‘:7 ‘Integer‘:8
‘Procedure‘:9 ‘Value‘:10 ‘Reference‘:11 ‘Main‘:12 ‘Input‘:13 ‘Output‘:14
‘Call‘:30 ‘Do‘:16 ‘Until‘:17 ‘Identifier‘:18 ‘IntegerNum‘:19 ‘RealNum‘:15 ‘Strings‘:21
‘;‘:22 ‘=‘:23 ‘‘:24 ‘[‘:25 ‘]‘:26 ‘(‘:27 ‘)‘:28 ‘<‘:29 ‘>‘:30 ‘!‘:31 ‘:‘:31 ‘+‘:32 ‘-‘:33 ‘*‘:34 ‘/‘:36 ‘{‘:37 ‘}‘:38
‘==‘:39 ‘!=‘:15 ‘<=‘:41 ‘>=‘:42 ‘<-‘:43 ‘||‘:44 ‘&&‘:45 ‘::‘:46 }
stringasc1 = set([‘;‘ ‘=‘ ‘‘ ‘[‘ ‘]‘ ‘(‘ ‘)‘ ‘<‘ ‘>‘ ‘!‘ ‘:‘ ‘-‘ ‘*‘ ‘/‘ ‘{‘ ‘}‘ ‘+‘ ‘=‘ ‘|‘ ‘&‘ ‘:‘])
flags = {‘0‘:‘-‘
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 5809 2011-10-20 04:42 Analyser.py
文件 4544 2011-10-07 06:14 grammarout.txt
文件 7395 2011-10-07 12:28 Matrix.txt
文件 571 2011-10-07 07:31 Parser Test Data Error.txt
文件 1637 2011-10-07 07:30 Parser Test Data.txt
文件 8407 2011-10-24 01:27 parser.py
文件 21523 2011-10-06 09:33 precedence.txt
文件 2790 2011-10-06 13:00 ProductionArray.txt
文件 1443 2011-10-24 01:54 wpfile.txt
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