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MAX30102 High-Sensitivity Pulse Oximeter and Heart-Rate Sensor for Wearable health Electrical Characteristics(continued) (Vdp =1.8V, VIR LED+=VR LED+=5.0V, TA=-40C to+85C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA =+25 C)(Note 2) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS RED PA=IR PA=0x00 30 128 Counts Dark current count LED DCC LED PW=0X03, SPO2 SR=0x01 ADC RGE= 0X02 0.01 0.05 FS ADC counts with finger on Red sensor under direct sunlight Counts DC Ambient Light Rejection ALR (100K lux), ADC RGE = 0x3 LED PW=0X03 R SPO2 SR=0X01 Counts LED 2 1.7V≤VDD≤2.0V, of LED PW=0X00 SPO2 SR=0X05 0.25 ADC Count-PSRR (VDD) PSRRVDDTA=+25℃ FS Frequency =DC to 100kHz, 100mVp-P 10 LSB 3.6V<R LED+, IR LED+<5.0V ADC Count--PSRR 0.05 (LED Driver Outputs) PSRRLED TA=+25C FS Frequency =DC to 100kHz, 100mVp-P 10 LSB ADC Clock Frequency CLK 10.3210.4810.64 MHZ LED PW=0X00 69 LED PW=0X01 118 ADC Integration Time INT LED PW= 0X02 215 LED PW=0X03 411 Slot Timing(Timing Between LED PW=0X00 427.1 Sequential Channel Samples LED PW=0X01 524.7 INT e.g., Red Pulse rising Edge To LED PW=0X02 720.0 IR Pulse Rising Edge) LED PW=0×03 1106.6 COVER GLASS CHARACTERISTICS(Note 4) Hydrolytic Resistance Class Per Din iso719 HGB 1 IR LED CHARACTERISTICS (Note 4) LEd Peak Wavelength P LED=20mA,TA=+25°C 870 880 900 nn Full width at half max △A LED=20mA,TA=+25°C 0 nm Forward Voltage VE ILED =20mA, TA=+25C Radiant power P ILED =20mA, TA=+25C 65 mW RED LED CHARACTERISTICS(Note 4) LED Peak Wavelength LED=20mA,TA=+25°C 650 660 670 nm Full width at half max △A lLED=20mA,TA=+25°C 20 nm Forward Voltage F LED=20mA,TA=+25°C 2 Radiant power P LED=20mA,TA=+25°C 9.8 W www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated 3 MAX30102 High-Sensitivity Pulse Oximeter and Heart-Rate Sensor for Wearable health Electrical Characteristics(continued) (Vdp =1.8V, VIR LED+=VR LED+=5.0V, TA=-40C to+85C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA =+25 C)(Note 2) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS PHOTODETECTOR CHARACTERISTICS(Note 4) 入 Spectral Range of Sensitivity (QE>50%) QE: Quantum Efficiency 600 900 nm Radiant sensitive area A mm 2 Dimensions of radiant sensitive 1.38x mm x LX W Area 0.98 INTERNAL DIE TEMPERATURE SENSOR Temperature ADC Acquisition T 25°C ms Ime Temperature Sensor Accuracy T A=+25°C ±1 Temperature sensor minimum Range MIN -40 C Temperature Sensor Maximum Range MAX 85 DIGITAL INPUT CHARACTERISTICS: SCL SDA 0.7X Input High Voltage VIH VDD = 2V 0.3X put Low Voltage VOD =2V DD Input Leakage Current IN=GND or VDD (STATIC) ±0.05 Hysteresis Voltage 0.2 DIGITAL OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS: SDA. INT Ouput Low Voltage VOL SINK = 6mA 0.2 12C TIMING CHARACTERISTICS (SDA, SDA, INT)(Note 5) 12C Write Address AE Hex 12C Read Address AF Hex Serial Clock Frequency SCL 0 400 KHz Bus free Time between SToP and start Conditions BUF 1.3 Hold Time (Repeated)START tHD STA 0.6 Condition SCL Pulse-Width Low LOW 1.3 SCL Pulse-Width High tHIGH 0.6 us Setup Time for a Repeated START Condition tsU: sTA 0.6 Data hold Time tHD DAT 0 900 ns www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated MAX30102 High-Sensitivity Pulse Oximeter and Heart-Rate Sensor for Wearable health Electrical Characteristics(continued) (Vdp =1.8V, VIR LED+=VR LED+=5.0V, TA=-40C to+85C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA =+25 C)(Note 2) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS Data setup Time tsU: DAT 100 ns Setup Time for sTOP Condition SU: STO 0.6 Pulse Width of Suppressed Spike tsp 0 50 ns Bus Capacitance CB 400 SDA and SCL Receiving Rise Time tR 20+0.1CB 300 ns SDA and sCL Receiving Fall Time tRe 20+0.1CB 300 ns SDA Transmitting fall Time tTE 300 Note 2: All devices are 100% production tested at TA=+25 C. Specifications over temperature limits are guaranteed by Maxim Integrated's bench or proprietary automated test equipment (AtE) characterization Note 3: Specifications are guaranteed by Maxim Integrated's bench characterization and by 100% production test using proprietary ATE setup and conditions Note 4: For design guidance only Not production tested Note 5: Guaranteed by design and characterization Not tested tsU. DAT tBUF→ tD. DAT Usto tHDSTA START CONDITION REPEATED START CONDITION STOP START CONDITION CONDITION Figure 1/2C-Compatible Interface Timing Diagram www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated5 MAX30102 High-Sensitivity Pulse Oximeter and Heart-Rate Sensor for Wearable health Typical Operating Characteristics (VDD =1.8V, VLED+=5.0V,TA=+25C, RST, unless otherwise noted.) RED LED SUPPLY HEADROOM R LED SUPPLY HEADROOM Voo SUPPLY CURRENT VS SUPPLY VOLTAGE to*03 50mA 09 53 zu∝O山 日 MoD三 0.0 VLED VOLTAGE (V) v∈ D VOLTAGE( SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V) DC COUNTS VS, DISTANCE FOR DD SHUTDOWN CURRENT VLED SHUTDOWN CURRENT 50000 WHITE HIGH- MPACT STYRENE CARD VS TEMPERATURE Ⅴs, TEMPERATUR 70 01 Po2 and Hr ADC RES =18 BITs VDD 0.13 ADC SR=100 SPS 40000 ADC FULL SCALE= 16384nA 0.11 0.10 VLED=5.25V 009 15000 VLED=4.75V 5U00 10 006 50 DISTANCE (mm) TEMPERATURE(C TEMPERATURE(℃C) RED LED SPECTRUM AT TA=+30C IR LED SPECTRUM AT TA=+30C 80 860 40 8C0 10C0 VVELENGTH (nm) WAVELENGTH (nm) www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated MAX30102 High-sensitivity pulse Oximeter and Heart-Rate Sensor for Wearable health Typical Operating Characteristics(continued) (VDD =1.8V, VLED+=5.0V,TA=+25C, RST, unless otherwise noted. RED LED PEAK WAVELENGTH IR LED PEAK WAVELENGTH RED LED FORWARD VOLTAGE VS VS, TEMPERATURE VS TEMPERATURE FORWARD CURRENT ATT, =+25C 675 910 MODE FLEX LED LED CURRENT LED CURRENT ADC RES =18 BITS 50I ADC SR= 100 SPS 20mA ADC FULL SCALE 2048nA 30r 50mA 50m人 30 乏655 MODE= FLEX LED ADC RES=18 BITS ADC FULL SCALE 2048nA 100 190 2.20230 TEMPERATURE (CI TEMPERATURE (deg F○ RWARD VOLTAGE IR LED FORWARD VOLTAGE VS AMBIENT LIGHT CANCELLATION PHOTODIODE QUANTUM EFFICIENCY FORWARD CURRENT AT TA=+25C PASSBAND CHARACTERISTICS VS WAVELENGTH 10 09 08 Euoo 06 Ou MODE= FLEX LED ADC RES =18 BITS PW=69μs ADC SR= 100 SPS 60Pw=11s ADC FULL SCALE 2048nA PW=215μs PW=411us 145 100000 005006070050090010001100 FORWARD VOLTAGE(V) FREQUENCY H WAVELENGTH(nm) www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated 7 MAX30102 High-sensitivity pulse Oximeter and Heart-Rate Sensor for Wearable health Pin Configuration N C N C SENSOR SDA PGND 4 VDD MAX30102 R_ DRV5 10|Ⅵ IR_DRV6 9I VI N C.7 )」 8N.C Pin Description PIN NAME FUNCTION 1,7,8,14 N C No Connection. Connect to PCB pad for mechanical stability 2 SCL |2C Clock Input SDA 2C Data, Bidirectional(Open-Drain 4 PGND Power ground of the led Driver Blocks 5 RDR∨ Red lED Driver IR DRV IR LED Driver VLAD+ LED Power Supply(anode connection). Use a bypass capacitor to PGND for best LED 11 VDD Analog Power Supply Input Use a bypass capacitor to GND for best performance 12 GND Analog ground 13 INT Active-Low Interrupt(Open-Drain). Connect to an external voltage with a pullup resistor www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated 8 MAX30102 High-sensitivity pulse Oximeter and Heart-Rate Sensor for Wearable health Functional Diagram AMBIENT LIGHT CANCELLATION ANALOG DIGITAL VISIBLE+IR DIGITAL SDA FILTER DATA REGISTER COMMUNICATION DIE TEMP OSCILLATOR LED DRIVERS MA30102 R DRV I DRV GND PGND Detailed Description The device output data is relatively insensitive to the The MAX30102 is a complete pulse oximetry and heart-rate avelength of the IR LED, where the Red LEd's wave sensor system solution module designed for the demanding length is critical to correct interpretation of the data. Al requirements of wearable devices. The device maintains a SpO? algorithm used with the MaX30102 output signal very small solution size without sacrificing optical or electrical can compensate for the associated SpO2 error with ambient performance. Minimal external hardware components are temperature changes required for integration into a wearable system LED Driver The MaX30102 is fully adjustable through software registers The MAX30102 integrates Red and Ir LEd drivers to and the digital output data can be stored in a 32-deep modulate LED pulses for SpO2 and HR measurements FIFO within the ic. the fifo allows the max30102 to bi The LED current can be programmed from 0 to 50mA connected to a microcontroller or processor on a shared bus, where the data is not being read continuously from with proper supply voltage. The LEd pulse width can be the MAX30102's registers programmed from 69us to 4 1 1 us to allow the algorithm to optimize SpO2 and HR accuracy and power consumption SpO2 Subsystem based on use cases The Spo2 subsystem of the MAX30102 contains ambient Proximity Function light cancellation(ALC), a continuous-time sigma-delta ADC, and a proprietary discrete time filter. The alc has The device includes a proximity function to save power and an internal track/Hold circuit to cancel ambient light and reduce visible light emission when the user's finger is not on the increase the effective dynamic range. The SpO2 ADC has sensor. When the spo2 or hR function is initiated (by writing the programmable full-scale ranges from 2Ha to 16UA. The MODE register), the IR LEd is activated in proximity mode with ALC can cancel up to 200HA of ambient current a drive current set by the PILOT_ PA register. When an object is detected by exceeding the ir adc count threshold ( set in the The internal ADC is a continuous time oversampling sigma-delta converter with 18-bit resolution. The ADC PROX INT_THRESH register), the part transitions automaticall sampling rate is 10.24MHZ. The ADC output data rate to the normal Spo2/HR Mode. To reenter proximity mode, the can be programmed from 50sps(samples per second)to MODE register must be rewritten(even if the value is the same) 3200sps. The MAX30102 includes a proprietary discrete The proximity function can be disabled by resetting time filter to reject 50Hz/60Hz interference and slow PROX INT EN to 0. In this case, the spo2 or HR mode moving residual ambient noise begins immediately Temperature sensor The MAX30102 has an on-chip temperature sensor for calibrating the temperature dependence of the spo2 sub system the temperature sensor has an inherent resolu tion of0.0625°C www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated 9 MAX30102 High-Sensitivity Pulse Oximeter and Heart-Rate Sensor for Wearable health Register Maps and Descriptions REG REGISTER B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 POKR/ ADDR STATE STATUS Interrupt A FULL PPG ALC_PROX PWR Status 1 RDY OVE 0×000×00R INT RDY Interrupt DIE TEMP 0×010x00 Status 2 RDY Interrupt A FULL PPG ALC PROX Enable 1 0x×020×00R EN RDY EN OVF EN INT EN Interrupt DIE TEMP 0×030×00|R Enable 2 RDY EN FIFO FIFO Write Pointer FIFO WR PTR[4: 0 0×040x00RW Overflow OVF COUNTER[4: 0 0×05|0x00R Counter FIFO Read Pointer FIFO RD PTR[4: 0 0×060x×00|R FIFO Data Register FIFO DATA[7: 0 0×070×00RW CONFIGURATION FIFO FIFO Configuration SMP AVE[2: 0 ROLL FIFO A FULL[3: 0 0x080×00RW OVER EN SHDN RESET 0x090×00|R Configuration MODE[2: 0 Spo2 SPO2 ADC RGE Configuration(Reserved) SPO2 SR[2: 0 LED PW1: 0 0×0A0×00R RESERVED 0x0 0×00RW LED Pulse ED1_ PA[7: 0 0x0C 0x00 R/W Amplitude LED2 PA[7: 0] OxOD 0X00 R/W RESERVED 0×0E0x00RW RESERVED 0×0F0×00R Proximity mode ED Pulse PILOT PA[7: 0 0x100×00R Amplitude Multi-LED SLOT2[2:0] SLOT1[2:0] 0x110×00R Mode control Registers SLOT4[2: 0 SLOT3[2:0] 0×12 0x00R www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated10




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