matlab gatbx工具箱matlab 遗传算法工具箱(GATBX)下载和安装教程,加载到toolbox,再generate即可。
% BS2RV.m - Binary string to real vector
% This function decodes binary chromosomes into vectors of reals. The
% chromosomes are seen as the concatenation of binary strings of given
% length and decoded into real numbers in a specified interval using
% either standard binary or Gray decoding.
% Syntax: Phen = bs2rv(ChromFieldD)
% Input parameters:
% Chrom - Matrix containing the chromosomes of the current
% population. Each line corresponds to one
% individual‘s concatenated binary string
% representation. Leftmost bits are MSb and
% rightmost are LSb.
% FieldD - Matrix describing the length and how to decode
% each substring in the chromosome. It has the
% following structure:
% [len; (num)
% lb; (num)
% ub; (num)
% code; (0=binary | 1=gray)
% scale; (0=arithmetic | 1
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2017-02-20 21:32 gatbx\
目录 0 2017-02-21 00:38 gatbx\genetic\
文件 3356 2003-01-26 16:34 gatbx\genetic\bs2rv.m
文件 1833 2003-01-24 16:59 gatbx\genetic\contents.m
文件 1238 2003-01-26 16:35 gatbx\genetic\crtba
文件 2270 2003-01-26 16:36 gatbx\genetic\crtbp.m
文件 2156 2003-01-26 16:37 gatbx\genetic\crtrp.m
目录 0 2003-07-04 14:06 gatbx\genetic\DOC\
文件 53484 1998-04-22 11:14 gatbx\genetic\DOC\GATBXA0.PS
文件 204230 1998-04-22 11:14 gatbx\genetic\DOC\GATBXA1.PS
文件 200234 1998-04-22 11:14 gatbx\genetic\DOC\GATBXA2.PS
文件 18349 2003-07-18 10:58 gatbx\genetic\gpl.txt
文件 7272 2003-01-26 16:38 gatbx\genetic\migrate.m
文件 4074 2003-01-26 16:38 gatbx\genetic\mpga.m
文件 1663 2003-01-26 16:39 gatbx\genetic\mut.m
文件 3503 2003-01-26 16:40 gatbx\genetic\mutate.m
文件 5008 2003-01-26 16:40 gatbx\genetic\mutbga.m
文件 2717 2003-01-21 12:30 gatbx\genetic\objfun1.m
文件 2643 2003-01-21 12:32 gatbx\genetic\objharv.m
文件 4822 2003-01-26 15:18 gatbx\genetic\ranking.m
文件 1890 2003-01-26 16:42 gatbx\genetic\recdis.m
文件 1958 2003-01-26 16:42 gatbx\genetic\recint.m
文件 2018 2003-01-26 16:43 gatbx\genetic\reclin.m
文件 4996 2003-01-26 16:21 gatbx\genetic\recmut.m
文件 2569 2003-01-26 16:23 gatbx\genetic\recombin.m
文件 5638 2003-01-26 16:44 gatbx\genetic\reins.m
文件 1272 2003-01-26 16:45 gatbx\genetic\rep.m
文件 2145 2003-01-22 11:56 gatbx\genetic\resplot.m
文件 1166 2003-01-26 16:45 gatbx\genetic\rws.m
文件 1255 2003-01-26 16:46 gatbx\genetic\scaling.m
文件 2466 2003-01-26 16:46 gatbx\genetic\select.m
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