Factored Conditional Restricted Boltzmann Machines for Modeling Motion Style代码,用于研究实值RBM
% Version 0.100 (Unsupported unreleased)
% Code provided by Graham Taylor and Geoff Hinton
% For more information see:
% http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~gwtaylor/publications/icml2009
% Permission is granted for anyone to copy use modify or distribute this
% program and accompanying programs and documents for any purpose provided
% this copyright notice is retained and prominently displayed along with
% a note saying that the original programs are available from our
% web page.
% The programs and documents are distributed without any warranty expressed or
% implied. As the programs were written for research purposes only they have
% not been tested to the degree that would be advisable in any important
% application. All use of these programs is entirely at the user‘s own risk.
% Train a factored conditional RBM with three-way interactions
% On labeled mocap data (10 styles CMU subject 137)
% demonstrates a trained model
% generating different styles based on initi
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2009-08-02 04:15 threeway_demo\
文件 3848 2009-08-02 03:23 threeway_demo\gen.m
文件 2848 2009-08-02 04:13 threeway_demo\demo_train.m
文件 3766 2009-08-02 03:23 threeway_demo\gen_sharefeatfac.m
目录 0 2009-08-02 04:15 threeway_demo\Data\
文件 6 2009-08-01 14:22 threeway_demo\Data\ignore.txt
文件 17423 2009-08-02 03:23 threeway_demo\gaussianfbm_sharefeatfac.m
文件 3646 2009-08-02 03:23 threeway_demo\gen_sharefpvfac.m
文件 2696 2009-08-02 03:23 threeway_demo\README.txt
文件 3404 2009-08-02 03:23 threeway_demo\genfaccrbm.m
文件 3990 2009-08-02 03:23 threeway_demo\demo_generate.m
文件 17928 2009-08-02 03:23 threeway_demo\gaussianfbm_shared.m
文件 17843 2009-08-02 03:23 threeway_demo\gaussianfbm_sharefpvfac.m
文件 17948 2009-08-02 03:23 threeway_demo\gaussianfbm_sharefpfac.m
文件 12976 2009-08-02 03:23 threeway_demo\gaussianfaccrbm.m
目录 0 2009-08-02 04:15 threeway_demo\snapshots\
文件 6 2009-08-01 20:38 threeway_demo\snapshots\ignore.txt
文件 17338 2009-08-02 03:23 threeway_demo\gaussianfbm.m
目录 0 2009-08-02 04:15 threeway_demo\Motion\
文件 3613 2009-08-02 03:25 threeway_demo\Motion\expPlayData.m
文件 1163 2007-01-30 18:55 threeway_demo\Motion\rotationMatrix.m
文件 148 2007-01-30 18:54 threeway_demo\Motion\rotmat2expmap.m
文件 5201 2009-08-02 03:25 threeway_demo\Motion\exp2xyz.m
文件 1071 2009-08-02 03:23 threeway_demo\Motion\batchConvertCMU.m
文件 2124 2009-08-02 03:25 threeway_demo\Motion\expModify.m
文件 421 2007-01-30 18:54 threeway_demo\Motion\skelConnectionMatrix.m
文件 3198 2009-08-02 03:29 threeway_demo\Motion\make_balanced_clipped_137.m
文件 560 2007-01-30 18:54 threeway_demo\Motion\expmap2rotmat.m
文件 9882 2009-08-02 03:25 threeway_demo\Motion\postprocess2.m
文件 635 2008-10-28 20:37 threeway_demo\Motion\rotmat2quat.m
文件 4068 2009-08-02 03:25 threeway_demo\Motion\postprocess1.m
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