function [pop] = initializega(num bounds evalFNevalOpsoptions) %有5个输入项,1个输出项
% function [pop]=initializega(populationSize variableBoundsevalFN
% evalOpsoptions)
% initializega creates a matrix of random numbers with
% a number of rows equal to the populationSize and a number
% columns equal to the number of rows in bounds plus 1 for
% the f(x) value which is found by applying the evalFN.
% This is used by the ga to create the population if it
% is not supplied.
% pop - the initial evaluated random population
% populatoinSize - the size of the population i.e. the number to create
% variableBounds - a matrix which contains the bounds of each variable i.e.
% [var1_high var1_low; var2_high var2_low; ....]
% evalFN - the evaluation fn usually the name of the .m file for
% evaluation
% evalOps - any options to be passed to the eval function defaults []
% options - options to the initialize function ie.
% [type prec] where eps is the epsilon value
% and the second option is 1 for float and 0 for binary
% prec is the precision of the variables defaults [1e-6 1]
% Binary and Real-Valued Simulation Evolution for Matlab GAOT V2
% Copyright (C) 1998 C.R. Houck J.A. Joines M.G. Kay
% C.R. Houck J.Joines and M.Kay. A genetic algorithm for function
% optimization: A Matlab implementation. ACM Transactions on Mathmatical
% Software Submitted 1996.
% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation; either version 1 or (at your option)
% any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details. A copy of the GNU
% General Public License can be obtained from the
% Free Software Foundation Inc. 675 Mass Ave Cambridge MA 02139 USA.
if nargin<5 %nargin:是用来判断输入项个数的函数
options=[1e-6 1]; %如果初始化函数的输入项个数小于5,则参数结构体options=[1e-6 1]
if nargin<4 %如果初始化函数的输入项个数小于4,则传递给适应度函数的参数evalOps=[]
if any(evalFN<48) %Not a .m file 意思是说如果evalFN不是一个M文件
if options(2)==1 %Float GA
estr=[‘x=pop(i1); pop(ixZomeLength)=‘ evalFN ‘;‘];
else %Binary GA
estr=[‘x=b2f(pop(i:)boundsbits); pop(ixZomeLength)=‘ evalFN ‘;‘];
else %A .m file 如果是M文件
if options(2)==1 %Float GA 如果options的第二列为1,则采用实数编码
estr=[‘[ pop(i:) pop(ixZomeLength)]=‘ evalFN ‘(pop(i:)[0 evalOps]);‘]; %实际上就是和适应度函数衔接了。‘[ pop(i:) pop(ixZomeLength)]=‘ evalFN ‘(pop(i:)[0 evalOps]);‘的格式和适应度函数的定义的格式是一摸一样。
else %Binary GA 如果参数结构体的第二列为0,则采用二进制编码
estr=[‘x=b2f(pop(i:)boundsbits);[x v]=‘ evalFN ...
‘(x[0 evalOps]); pop(i:)
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 4299 2009-05-06 07:49 initializega.m
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4299 1
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