Allows scoring of text using n-gram probabilities
from math import log10
class ngram_score(object):
def __init__(selfngramfilesep=‘ ‘):
‘‘‘ load a file containing ngrams and counts calculate log probabilities ‘‘‘
self.ngrams = {}
for line in file(ngramfile):
keycount = line.split(sep)
self.ngrams[key] = int(count)
self.L = len(key)
self.N = sum(self.ngrams.itervalues())
#calculate log probabilities
for key in self.ngrams.keys():
self.ngrams[key] = log10(float(self.ngrams[key])/self.N)
self.floor = log10(0.01/self.N)
def score(selftext):
‘‘‘ compute the score of text ‘‘‘
score = 0
ngrams = self.ngrams.__getitem__
for i in xrange(len(text)-self.L+1):
if text[i:i+self.L] in self.ngrams: score += ngrams(text[i:i+self.L])
else: score += self.floor
return score
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 0 2020-01-13 02:40 閫傚簲搴﹁绠?
文件 6148 2020-01-13 02:40 閫傚簲搴﹁绠?.DS_Store
文件 120 2020-01-13 02:40 __MACOSX\閫傚簲搴﹁绠?._.DS_Store
文件 972 2019-11-29 01:12 閫傚簲搴﹁绠?ngram_score.py
文件 975928 2019-11-29 01:08 閫傚簲搴﹁绠?english_quadgrams.txt.zip
文件 591 2019-11-29 01:08 __MACOSX\閫傚簲搴﹁绠?._english_quadgrams.txt.zip
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