社会力模型(Social-Force Model)是 D. Helbing 与 P. Molnár 于1995年提出的,并在之后不断完善的理论模型。
在2000年, Dirk Helbing 的一篇NATURE文章发表了,题目是 “Simulating dynamical features of escape panic”, 文中提出了社会力模型,一种描述人与人之间避碰的心理力。

import numpy as np
import numpy.random as nr
from component import BFS as bfs
from component import person
class ForceMap:
def __init__(self graph width height x y num):
self.A = 2000
self.B = 0.02
self.r = 0.3
self.k = 480000
self.K = 960000
# self.A = 2000
# self.B = 0.08
# self.r = 0.2
# self.k = 120000
# self.K = 240000
self.crowd = []
self.width = height
self.height = width
self.distMap = bfs.BFS(graph width height y x).dist
self.randomPos(height width num)
def randomPos(self width height num): # 随机生成行人位置,行人不会在墙内,多个行人也不会出现在同一块中
i = 0
tmp = []
while i < num:
px = nr.randint(1 width - 1)
py = nr.randint(1 height - 1)
if self.distMap[px py] != -1:
if (px py) not in tmp:
tmp.append((px py))
self.crowd.append(person.Person(px + 0.5 py + 0.5 self.r))
i += 1
def obstacleMap(self): # 导出障碍地图格式字符串
st = ‘[‘
for i in range(self.height):
for j in range(self.width):
if self.distMap[i j] == -1:
st += ‘[{}{}]‘.format(i j)
st += ‘]‘
return st
def personMap(self): # 导出行人位置图字符串
plist = []
for p in self.crowd:
plist.append([round(p.pos[0] 5) round(p.pos[1] 5) p.r])
return plist
def clear(self): # 清空上一轮计算的力
for p in self.crowd:
def setDir(self): # 确定每个行人的寻路方向
for p in self.crowd:
x = int(p.pos[0])
y = int(p.pos[1])
nd = self.distMap[x y]
if nd - self.distMap[x - 1 y] == 1:
p.setDir(np.array([-1 0]))
if nd - self.distMap[x + 1 y] == 1:
p.setDir(np.array([1 0]))
if nd - self.distMap[x y - 1] == 1:
p.setDir(np.array([0 -1]))
if nd - self.distMap[x y + 1] == 1:
p.setDir(np.array([0 1]))
def g(self dis):
if dis <= 0:
return 0
return dis
def wallR(self i x y):
for xi in range(x + 1 self.width):
if self.distMap[xi y] == -1:
return xi - self.crowd[i].pos[0]
return self.width
def wallL(self i x y):
for xi in range(x - 1 -1 -1):
if self.distMap[xi y] == -1:
return self.crowd[i].pos[0] - xi - 1
return self.width
def wallU(self i x y):
for yi in range(y + 1 self.height):
if self.distMap[x yi] == -1:
return yi - self.crowd[i].pos[1]
return self.height
def wallD(self i x y):
for yi in range(y - 1 -1 -1):
if self.distMap[x yi] == -1:
return self.crowd[i].pos[1] - yi - 1
return self.heig
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