In this project, you are going to construct a CSP for N-Queens problem. You will be given several python files.
Files to Edit and Submit: You will fill in portions of submission.py during the assignment. You should submit this file with your code and comments. Please do NOT change th
In this project, you are going to construct a CSP for N-Queens problem. You will be given several python files.
Files to Edit and Submit: You will fill in portions of submission.py during the assignment. You should submit this file with your code and comments. Please do NOT change th

import copy
from csp import CSP
def create_n_queens_csp(n=8):
“““Create an N-Queen problem on the board of size n * n.
You should call csp.add_variable() and csp.add_binary_factor().
n: int number of queens or the size of one dimension of the board.
csp: A CSP problem with correctly configured factor tables
such that it can be solved by a weighted CSP solver
csp = CSP()
# TODO: Problem b
variables = []
for i in range(n):
# name variables from y1 to yn
var = ‘y{}‘.format(i+1)
# assign values to variables
for i in range(len(variables)):
for j in range(len(variables)):
if variables[i] != variables[j]:
distance = abs(i-j)
# Generate binary constraints between queens
csp.add_binary_factor(variables[i] variables[j] lambda y1 y2: y1 != y2 and distance != abs(y1-y2))
#raise NotImplementedError
return csp
class BacktrackingSearch:
“““A backtracking algorithm that solves CSP.
num_assignments: keep track of the number of assignments
(identical when the CSP is unweighted)
num_operations: keep track of number of times backtrack() gets called
first_assignment_num_operations: keep track of number of operations to
get to the very first successful assignment (maybe not optimal)
all_assignments: list of all solutions found
csp: a weighted CSP to be solved
mcv: bool if True use Most Constrained Variable heuristics
ac3: bool if True AC-3 will be used after each variable is made
domains: dictionary of domains of every variable in the CSP
search = BacktrackingSearch()
def __init__(self):
self.num_assignments = 0
self.num_operations = 0
self.first_assignment_num_operations = 0
self.all_assignments = []
self.csp = None
self.mcv = False
self.ac3 = False
self.domains = {}
def reset_results(self):
“““Resets the statistics of the different aspects of the CSP solver.“““
self.num_assignments = 0
self.num_operations = 0
self.first_assignment_num_operations = 0
self.all_assignments = []
def check_factors(self assignment var val):
“““Check consistency between current assignment and a new variable.
Given a CSP a partial assignment and a proposed new value for a
variable return the change of weights after assigning the variable
with the proposed value.
assignment: A dictionary of current assignment.
Unassigned variables do not have entries while an assigned
variable has the assigned va
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 10420 2019-10-24 22:57 submission.py
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