Python RWR 可重启随机游走代码。
Python RWR,可重启的随机游走源代码,可重启的随机游走源代码
Main script for running tissue-specific graph walk experiments to convergence.
import sys
import argparse
from walker import Walker
def generate_seed_list(seed_file):
“““ Read seed file into a list. “““
seed_list = []
fp = open(seed_file “r“)
except IOError:
sys.exit(“Error opening file {}“.format(seed_file))
for line in fp.readlines():
info = line.rstrip().split()
if len(info) > 1:
return seed_list
def get_node_list(node_file):
node_list = []
fp = open(node_file ‘r‘)
except IOError:
sys.exit(‘Could not open file: {}‘.format(node_file))
# read the first (i.e. largest) connected component
cur_line = fp.readline()
while cur_line and not cur_line.isspace():
if cur_line:
cur_line = fp.readline()
return node_list
def main(argv):
# set up argument parsing
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument(‘input_graph‘ help=‘Original graph input file in\
edge list format‘)
parser.add_argument(‘seed‘ help=‘Seed file to pull start nodes from‘)
parser.add_argument(‘-e‘ ‘--restart_prob‘ type=float default=0.7
help=‘Restart probability for random walk‘)
parser.add_argument(‘-l‘ ‘--low_list‘ nargs=‘?‘ default=None
help=‘ List of genes expressed and\
unexpressed in the current tissue if applicable‘)
parser.add_argument(‘-n‘ ‘--node_list‘ nargs=‘?‘ default=None
help=‘ Order of output probs‘)
parser.add_argument(‘-o‘ ‘--original_graph_prob‘ type=float default=0.1
help=‘Probability of walking on the original (non-\
tissue specific) graph if applicable‘)
parser.add_argument(‘-r‘ ‘--remove‘ nargs=‘+‘
help=‘ Nodes to remove from the graph if any‘)
opts = parser.parse_args()
seed_list = generate_seed_list(opts.seed)
node_list = get_node_list(opts.node_list) if opts.node_list else []
# filter nodes we want to remove out of the starting seed if any
remove_list = opts.remove if opts.remove else []
if remove_list:
seed_list = [s for s in seed_list if s not in remove_list]
# run the experiments and write a rank list to stdout
wk = Walker(opts.input_graph opts.low_list remove_list)
wk.run_exp(seed_list opts.restart_prob
opts.original_graph_prob node_list)
if __name__ == ‘__main__‘:
# main(testdata/test_network.ppitestdata/test_seed.txt)
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 0 2019-03-26 12:53 Python RWR 鍙噸鍚殢鏈烘父璧颁唬鐮?
文件 110229 2018-07-29 19:30 Python RWR 鍙噸鍚殢鏈烘父璧颁唬鐮?WechatIMG2.jpeg
目录 0 2019-03-26 12:53 __MACOSX\
文件 0 2019-03-26 12:53 __MACOSX\Python RWR 鍙噸鍚殢鏈烘父璧颁唬鐮?
文件 266 2018-07-29 19:30 __MACOSX\Python RWR 鍙噸鍚殢鏈烘父璧颁唬鐮?._WechatIMG2.jpeg
文件 6148 2019-03-26 12:53 Python RWR 鍙噸鍚殢鏈烘父璧颁唬鐮?.DS_Store
文件 120 2019-03-26 12:53 __MACOSX\Python RWR 鍙噸鍚殢鏈烘父璧颁唬鐮?._.DS_Store
文件 2880 2019-03-26 11:08 Python RWR 鍙噸鍚殢鏈烘父璧颁唬鐮?run_walker.py
文件 708 2019-03-26 11:08 __MACOSX\Python RWR 鍙噸鍚殢鏈烘父璧颁唬鐮?._run_walker.py
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