import os
from itertools import izip
import re
# read and organize data
#3 2:3 4:5 5:3 --- document info (word: count)
class document:
‘‘‘ the class for a single document ‘‘‘
def __init__(self):
self.words = []
self.counts = []
self.length = 0
self.total = 0
class corpus:
‘‘‘ the class for the whole corpus‘‘‘
def __init__(self):
self.size_vocab = 0
self.docs = []
self.num_docs = 0
def read_data(self filename):
if not os.path.exists(filename):
print ‘no data file please check it‘
print ‘reading data from %s.‘ % filename
for line in file(filename):
ss = line.strip().split()
if len(ss) == 0: continue
doc = document()
doc.length = int(ss[0])
doc.words = [0 for w in range(doc.length)]
doc.counts = [0 for w in range(doc.length)]
for w pair in enumerate(re.finditer(r“(\d+):(\d+)“ line)):
doc.words[w] = int(pair.group(1))
doc.counts[w] = int(pair.group(2))
doc.total = sum(doc.counts)
if doc.length > 0:
max_word = max(doc.words)
if max_word >= self.size_vocab:
self.size_vocab = max_word + 1
self.num_docs = len(self.docs)
print “finished reading %d docs.“ % self.num_docs
# def read_data(filename):
# c = corpus()
# c.read_data(filename)
# return c
def read_stream_data(f num_docs):
c = corpus()
splitexp = re.compile(r‘[ :]‘)
for i in range(num_docs):
line = f.readline()
line = line.strip()
if len(line) == 0:
d = document()
splitline = [int(i) for i in splitexp.split(line)]
wordids = splitline[1::2]
wordcts = splitline[2::2]
d.words = wordids
d.counts = wordcts
d.total = sum(d.counts)
d.length = len(d.words)
c.num_docs = len(c.docs)
return c
# This version is about 33% faster
def read_data(filename):
c = corpus()
splitexp = re.compile(r‘[ :]‘)
for line in open(filename):
d = document()
splitline = [int(i) for i in splitexp.split(line)]
wordids = splitline[1::2]
wordcts = splitline[2::2]
d.words = wordids
d.counts = wordcts
d.total = sum(d.counts)
d.length = len(d.words)
if d.length > 0:
max_word = max(d.words)
if max_word >= c.size_vocab:
c.size_vocab = max_word + 1
c.num_docs = len(c.docs)
return c
def count_tokens(filename):
num_tokens = 0
splitexp = re.compile(r‘[ :]‘)
for line in open(filename):
splitline = [int(i) for i in splitexp.split(line)]
wordcts = splitline[2::2]
num_tokens += sum(wordcts)
return num_tokens
splitexp = re.compile(r‘[ :]‘)
def parse_line(line):
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