# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from queue import LifoQueue
from queue import Queue
from queue import PriorityQueue
class Graph:
Defines a graph with edges each edge is treated as dictionary
look up. function neighbors pass in an id and returns a list of
neighboring node
def __init__(self):
self.edges = {}
self.edgeWeights = {}
self.locations = {}
def neighbors(self id):
if id in self.edges:
return self.edges[id]
print(“The node “ id “ is not in the graph“)
return False
# this function get the g(n) the cost of going from from_node to
# the to_node
def get_cost(selffrom_node to_node):
#print(“get_cost for “ from_node to_node)
nodeList = self.edges[from_node]
edgeList = self.edgeWeights[from_node]
return edgeList[nodeList.index(to_node)]
except ValueError:
print(“From node “ from_node “ to “ to_node “ does not exist a direct connection“)
return False
def reconstruct_path(came_from start goal):
Given a dictionary of came_from where its key is the node
character and its value is the parent node the start node
and the goal node compute the path from start to the end
came_from -- a dictionary indicating for each node as the key and
value is its parent node
start -- A character indicating the start node
goal -- A character indicating the goal node
path. -- A list storing the path from start to goal. Please check
the order of the path should from the start node to the
goal node
path = []
### START CODE HERE ### (≈ 6 line of code)
# return path
def heuristic(graph current_node goal_node):
Given a graph a start node and a next nodee
returns the heuristic value for going from current node to goal node
graph -- A dictionary storing the edge information from one node to a list
of other nodes
current_node -- A character indicating the current node
goal_node -- A character indicating the goal node
heuristic_value of going from current node to goal node
heuristic_value = 0
### START CODE HERE ### (≈ 15 line of code)
return heuristic_value
def A_star_search(graph start goal):
Given a graph a start node and a goal node
Utilize A* search algorithm by finding the path from
start node to the goal node
Use early stoping in your code
This function returns back a dictionary storing the information of each node
and its corresponding parent node
graph -- A dictionary storing the edge information from one node to a list
of other nodes
start -- A character ind
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2018-09-19 16:20 Homework1\
目录 0 2018-09-18 13:45 Homework1\Homework1\
文件 5792 2018-09-18 13:19 Homework1\Homework1\AStarSearch.py
文件 4841 2018-09-18 13:20 Homework1\Homework1\BFSvsDFS.py
文件 157476 2018-09-18 13:44 Homework1\Homework1\homework1.pdf
文件 4722 2018-09-18 13:20 Homework1\Homework1\UniformCostSearch.py
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