# 可以这么用
weather = Weather_2345('广州', '201811', '201901')
# 也可以这么用
weather = Weather_2345('下面会再次设置区域这里可以随便填', '201811', '201901')
area_list = ["白云", "从化", "花都", "海珠", "黄埔", "荔湾", "南沙", "番禺", "天河", "越秀", "增城"]
with open('./weather.log', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fw:
fw.write("区域,日期,最高气温,最低气温,天气,风向,风力,空气指数,空气情况,空气等级" + "\n")
for area in area_list:
weather.area = area
weather_list = weather.get_weather()
for lines in weather_list:
fw.write(",".join(lines) + '\n')
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__title__ = ‘‘
__author__ = ‘tiany‘
__mtime__ = ‘2019/1/25‘
# code is far away from bugs with the god animal protecting ~
import demjson
import requests
class Weather_2345():
def __init__(self area begin_time end_time):
self.area self.begin_time self.end_time = area begin_time end_time
self.headers = {
“User-Agent“: “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.181 Safari/537.36“ }
self.prefix_url = “http://tianqi.2345.com/t/wea_history/js/{1}/{0}_{1}.js“
self.code_url = “http://tianqi.2345.com/js/citySelectData.js“
self.code_str = None
def get_weather(self):
:return: 区域日期最高气温最低气温天气风向风力空气指数空气情况空气等级
result = []
time_list = self.__generate_time_list(self.begin_time self.end_time)
for curr_month in time_list:
area_code = self.get_areacode(self.area)
url = self.prefix_url.format(area_code curr_month)
response = requests.get(url headers=self.headers).text[16:-1]
response_dict = demjson.decode(response)
city = response_dict[‘city‘]
for line in response_dict[‘tqInfo‘]:
if line:
if “aqi“ in line:
result.append((city line[“ymd“] line[“bWendu“].rstrip(“℃“) line[“yWendu“].rstrip(“℃“)
line[“tianqi“] line[“fengxiang“] line[“fengli“] line[“aqi“]
line[“aqiInfo“] line[“a
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