python编程语言 预处理 统计词频 计算IT-IDF
# coding=utf-8 #注意此句注释要放在第一句,可进行中文注释
from __future__ import division # 保证得到正常除法计算的结果
import os
import math
import nltk
import codecs # 保证可以用指定的编码格式打开文件
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
import sys
doc_num = 0 # 统计文档总数
dictionary = [] # 词典,即文件中的单词列表
word_idf_dict = {} # 字典,存放词典中每个单词的idf值
num_doc_word = {} # 字典,存放每篇论文的单词总数
def processing(str):
str_lower = str.lower() # 将文本小写化
sens = nltk.sent_tokenize(str_lower) # 将小写化的文本进行句子分词
words = []
# 对每个句子进行分词
for sen in sens:
words.extend(nltk.word_tokenize(sen)) # 注意区分append VS extend
stopword = stopwords.words(‘english‘) # 去除停顿词
punctuation = [‘‘ ‘.‘ ‘:‘ ‘;‘ ‘(‘ ‘)‘ ‘[‘ ‘]‘ ‘&‘ ‘#‘ ‘!‘ ‘?‘ ‘@‘ ‘$‘ ‘%‘] # 去除标点符号
stemming = nltk.stem.SnowballStemmer(‘english‘) # 提取词干
new_words = []
for word in words:
if (word.isalpha()) and (word not in stopword) and (word not in punctuation): # 去除乱码,即非字母的单词
new_words.append(stemming.stem(word)) # append VS extend
return new_words
def compute_tf(wordlist):
temp_dict = {}
for word in wordlist:
if word in temp_dict:
temp_dict[word] += 1
temp_dict[word] = 1
return temp_dict
def compute_idf(word_in_file):
for word in dictionary:
word_in_doc = 0 # 统计出现过该单词的文档数目
for index in word_in_file:
if word in word_in_file[index].keys():
word_in_doc += 1
word_in_doc = math.log10(doc_num / word_in_doc) # 计算单词的idf值
word_idf_dict[word] = word_in_doc # 得到全局变量word_idf_dict
# 此处没有将word_idf_dict作为返回值返回,而是将其定义为全局变量,便于其他函数使用
def compute_tfidf(word_in_file):
word_tfidf = {} # 存放单词的tf-idf值,数据类型为dict{file_name:dict{word:word_tfidf}}
for index in word_in_file:
word_tfidf[index] = {} # 存放指定文档下的dict{word:word_tfidf}
temp_len = num_doc_word[index] # 使用全局变量num_doc_word,计算指定文档下的单词总数
for word in word_in_file[index].keys():
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