###This code is to make the robot walk till the location of the red ball
### by going hald of the distance everytime and aligning the body position
### and kick the red ball with its legs
from naoqi import *
import time math numpyalmathargparse
IP = ‘‘
PORT = 9559
mp = ALProxy(“ALMotion“ IP PORT)
sonar = ALProxy(“ALSonar“ IP PORT)
mem = ALProxy(“ALMemory“ IP PORT)
sonarProxy = ALProxy(“ALSonar“ IP PORT)
red = ALProxy(“ALRedBallDetection“ IP PORT)
track = ALProxy(“ALRedBallTracker“ IP PORT)
tracker = ALProxy(“ALTracker“ IP PORT)
postureProxy = ALProxy(“ALRobotPosture“ IP PORT)
#Set the stiffness
def StiffnessOn(proxy):
pNames = “Body“
pStiffnessLists = 1.0
pTimeLists = 1.0
proxy.stiffnessInterpolation(pNames pStiffnessLists pTimeLists)
#Move the face of the robot inorder to track the redball
def turn_and_find(prev_x prev_y):
YAWrange = [-50.52 50.52]
PITCHrange = [-20 20]
pitchList = numpy.linspace(PITCHrange[0]PITCHrange[1]5)
yawList = numpy.linspace(YAWrange[0]YAWrange[1]5)
for i in yawList:
for j in pitchList:
Hp = j
Hy = i
head = [Hy Hp]
# Gather the joints together
targetAngles = head
# Convert to radians
targetAngles = [x * motion.TO_RAD for x in targetAngles]
# We use the “Body“ name to signify the collection of all joints
names = “Head“
# Ask motion to do this with a blocking call
mp.angleInterpolationWithSpeed(names targetAngles 0.1)
memValue = ‘redBallDetected‘
val = mem.getData(memValue 0)
xyz = track.getPosition()
if x != prev_x or y != prev_y:
print xyz
return [xyz]
print “No ball found“
print 000
return [000]
#Kick the ball using both left and right legs
def kick():
# Set NAO in Stiffness On
# Send NAO to Pose Init
postureProxy.goToPosture(“StandInit“ 0.5)
# Activate Whole Body Balancer
isEnabled = True
# Legs are constrained fixed
stateName = “Fixed“
supportLeg = “Legs“
mp.wbFootState(stateName supportLeg)
# Constraint Balance Motion
isEnable = True
supportLeg = “Legs“
mp.wbEnableBalanceConstraint(isEnable supportLeg)
# Com go to LLeg
supportLeg = “LLeg“
duration = 2.0
mp.wbGoToBalance(supportLeg duration)
# RLeg is free
stateName = “Free“
supportLeg = “RLeg“
mp.wbFootState(stateName supportLeg)
# RLeg is optimized
effectorName = “RLeg“
axisMask = 63
space = motion.frame_TORSO #ROBOT
# Motion of the RLeg
dx = 0.1 # translation axis X (meters)
dz = 0.1 # translation axis Z (meters)
dwy = 5.0*math.pi/180.0 # rot
- 上一篇:支持向量机SVM python源代码
- 下一篇:计算自己构建数据集的均值和方差
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