使用python 实现使用粒子群算法解决TSP问题,与matlab相比,更加的直观
# encoding:utf-8
Solution for Travelling Salesman Problem using PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization)
Discrete PSO for TSP
References are in the folder “references“ of the repository.
from operator import attrgetter
import random sys time copy
# class that represents a graph
class Graph:
def __init__(self amount_vertices):
self.edges = {} # dictionary of edges
self.vertices = set() # set of vertices
self.amount_vertices = amount_vertices # amount of vertices
# adds a edge linking “src“ in “dest“ with a “cost“
def addEdge(self src dest cost = 0):
# checks if the edge already exists
if not self.existsEdge(src dest):
self.edges[(src dest)] = cost
# checks if exists a edge linking “src“ in “dest“
def existsEdge(self src dest):
return (True if (src dest) in self.edges else False)
# shows all the links of the graph
def showGraph(self):
print(‘Showing the graph:\n‘)
for edge in self.edges:
print(‘%d linked in %d with cost %d‘ % (edge[0] edge[1] self.edges[edge]))
# returns total cost of the path
def getCostPath(self path):
total_cost = 0
for i in range(self.amount_vertices - 1):
total_cost += self.edges[(path[i] path[i+1])]
# add cost of the last edge
total_cost += self.edges[(path[self.amount_vertices - 1] path[0])]
return total_cost
# gets random unique paths - returns a list of lists of paths
def getRandomPaths(self max_size):
random_paths list_vertices = [] list(self.vertices)
initial_vertice = random.choice(list_vertices)
if initial_vertice not in list_vertices:
print(‘Error: initial vertice %d not exists!‘ % initial_vertice)
list_vertices.insert(0 initial_vertice)
for i in range(max_size):
list_temp = list_vertices[1:]
list_temp.insert(0 initial_vertice)
if list_temp not in random_paths:
return random_paths
# class that represents a complete graph
class CompleteGraph(Graph):
# generates a complete graph
def generates(self):
for i in range(self.amount_vertices):
for j in range(self.amount_vertices):
if i != j:
weight = random.randint(1 10)
self.addEdge(i j weight)
# class that represents a particle
class Particle:
def __init__(self solution cost):
# current solution
self.solution = solution
# best solution (fitness) it has achieved so far
self.pbest = solution
# set costs
self.cost_current_solution = cost
self.cost_pbest_solution = cost
# velocity of a particle is a sequence of 4-tuple
# (1 2 1 ‘beta‘) means SO(12) prabability 1 and compares with “beta“
self.velocity = []
# set
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2015-04-30 20:49 tsp_pso-master\
文件 11 2015-04-30 20:49 tsp_pso-master\.gitignore
文件 486 2015-04-30 20:49 tsp_pso-master\README.md
目录 0 2015-04-30 20:49 tsp_pso-master\images\
文件 8358 2015-04-30 20:49 tsp_pso-master\images\graph.png
文件 18998 2015-04-30 20:49 tsp_pso-master\images\output_graph.png
目录 0 2015-04-30 20:49 tsp_pso-master\references\
文件 521034 2015-04-30 20:49 tsp_pso-master\references\paper.pdf
文件 88917 2015-04-30 20:49 tsp_pso-master\references\slides.pdf
文件 9647 2015-04-30 20:49 tsp_pso-master\tsp_pso.py
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