用python写的图片处理程序,用的库有OpenCV,PIL , numpy。可进行线圈部分提取以及切割线圈部分图片并保存
# coding:utf-8
# author:HOJAY
# 矩阵运算 图像预处理
from PIL import Image ImageDraw
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cv2 as cv
path1 = “border_detection.bmp“
def openfile():
img = Image.open(r‘F:/管浩杰/桌面/线圈/1.bmp‘ “r“)
# pix = img.load()
r g b = img.split()
r = np.mat(r)
g = np.mat(g)
b = np.mat(b)
c = (2 * r - g - b)/(2 * r + g + b + 0.000001)
c = c > 0.3
show_pic(r g b c)
# pic.show()
def show_pic(r g b c):
r = np.multiply(r c)
g = np.multiply(g c)
b = np.multiply(b c)
r = Image.fromarray(r)
g = Image.fromarray(g)
b = Image.fromarray(b)
pic = Image.merge(‘RGB‘ [r g b]) #合并三通道
# 边缘处理
def border_detection():
img = cv.imread(path1 0)
b = np.ones((5 5) np.uint8)
result_1 = cv.erode(img b)
result_2 = cv.dilate(result_1 b)
result_2 = cv.dilate(result_2 b)
result_2 = cv.erode(result_2 b)
result_2 = cv.dilate(result_2 b)
result_2 = cv.dilate(result_2 b)
# cv.namedWindow(“result_1“ 0)
# cv.namedWindow(“result_2“ 0)
# cv.imshow(“result_1“ result_1)
# cv.imshow(“result_2“ result_2)
# cv.waitKey(0)
# cv.destroyAllWindow
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