
“““SimpleGIS.py - A Simple GIS“““
import turtle as t
# All layers will have a name 1+ points and population count
NAME = 0
POP = 2
# Create the state layer
state = [“COLORADO“ [[-109 37] [-109 41] [-102 41] [-102 37]] 5187582]
# Cities layer list
# city = [name [point] population]
cities = []
# Add Denver
cities.append([“DENVER“ [-104.98 39.74] 634265])
# Add Boulder
cities.append([“BOULDER“ [-105.27 40.02] 98889])
# Add Durango
cities.append([“DURANGO“ [-107.88 37.28] 17069])
map_width = 800
map_height = 500
# State Bounding Box
# Use Python min/max function to get bounding box
minx = 180
maxx = -180
miny = 90
maxy = -90
for x y in state[POINTS]:
if x < minx:
minx = x
elif x > maxx:
maxx = x
if y < miny:
miny = y
elif y > maxy:
maxy = y
# Get earth distance on each axis
dist_x = maxx - minx
dist_y = maxy - miny
# Scaling ratio each axis
# to map points from world to screen
x_ratio = map_width / dist_x
y_ratio = map_height / dist_y
def convert(point):
“““Convert lat/lon to screen coordinates“““
lon = point[0]
lat = point[1]
x = map_width - ((maxx - lon) * x_ratio)
y = map_height - ((maxy - lat) * y_ratio)
# Python turtle graphics start in the middle of the screen
# so we must offset the points so they are centered
x = x - (map_width/2)
y = y - (map_height/2)
return [x y]
# Add a title to the window
wn = t.Screen()
wn.title(“Simple GIS“)
# Draw the state
first_pixel = None
for point in state[POINTS]:
pixel = convert(point)
if not first_pixel:
first_pixel = pixel
# Go back to the first point
# Label the state
t.goto([0 0])
t.write(state[NAME] align=“center“ font=(“Arial“ 16 “bold“))
# Draw the cities
for city in cities:
pixel = convert(city[POINTS])
# Place a point for the city
# Label the city
t.write(city[NAME] + “ Pop.: “ + str(city[POP]) align=“left“)
# Perform an attribute query
# Question: Which city has the largest population?
# Write the result but make sure it‘s under the map
biggest_city = max(cities key=lambda city: city[POP])
t.goto(0 -1*((map_height/2)+20))
t.write(“The highest-populated city is: “ + biggest_city[NAME])
# Perform a spatial query
# Question: Which is the western most city?
# Write the result but make sure it‘s under the other question
western_city = min(cities key=lambda city: city[POINTS])
t.goto(0 -1*((map_height/2)+40))
t.write(“The western-most city is: “ + western_city[NAME])
# Hide our map pen
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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