import numpy as np
import random
# m denotes the number of examples here not the number of features
def gradientDescent(x y theta alpha m numIterations):
xTrans = x.transpose()
for i in range(0 numIterations):
hypothesis = np.dot(x theta)
loss = hypothesis - y
# avg cost per example (the 2 in 2*m doesn‘t really matter here.
# But to be consistent with the gradient I include it)
cost = np.sum(loss ** 2) / (2 * m)
print(“Iteration %d | Cost: %f“ % (i cost))
# avg gradient per example
gradient = np.dot(xTrans loss) / m
# update
theta = theta - alpha * gradient
return theta
def genData(numPoints bias variance):
x = np.zeros(shape=(numPoints 2))
y = np.zeros(shape=numPoints)
# basically a straight line
for i in range(0 numPoints):
# bias feature
x[i][0] = 1
x[i][1] = i
# our target variable
y[i] = (i + bias) + random.uniform(0 1) * variance
return x y
# gen 100 points with a bias of 25 and 10 variance as a bit of noise
x y = genData(100 25 10)
m n = np.shape(x)
numIterations= 100000
alpha = 0.0005
theta = np.ones(n)
theta = gradientDescent(x y theta alpha m numIterations)
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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目录 0 2015-06-18 14:24 MultipleLinearRegression-master\.ipynb_checkpoints\
文件 575 2015-06-18 14:24 MultipleLinearRegression-master\.ipynb_checkpoints\Unti
文件 558 2015-06-18 14:24 MultipleLinearRegression-master\.ipynb_checkpoints\Unti
文件 1042390 2015-06-18 14:24 MultipleLinearRegression-master\East_Africa.pdf
文件 19227 2015-06-18 14:24 MultipleLinearRegression-master\East_Africa.txt
文件 159147 2015-06-18 14:24 MultipleLinearRegression-master\Multiple Linear Regression.pdf
文件 0 2015-06-18 14:24 MultipleLinearRegression-master\README.md
文件 600 2015-06-18 14:24 MultipleLinearRegression-master\Unti
文件 558 2015-06-18 14:24 MultipleLinearRegression-master\Unti
文件 635483 2015-06-18 14:24 MultipleLinearRegression-master\data-text.csv
文件 299008 2015-06-18 14:24 MultipleLinearRegression-master\education.csv
文件 2699586 2015-06-18 14:24 MultipleLinearRegression-master\education_stuff.csv
文件 1279 2015-06-18 14:24 MultipleLinearRegression-master\gradient_descent.py
文件 261 2015-06-18 14:24 MultipleLinearRegression-master\intro_pandas.py
文件 237 2015-06-18 14:24 MultipleLinearRegression-master\intro_pandas.py~
文件 137415 2015-06-18 14:24 MultipleLinearRegression-master\life_exp.csv
文件 660 2015-06-18 14:24 MultipleLinearRegression-master\linreg.py
文件 214 2015-06-18 14:24 MultipleLinearRegression-master\linreg.py~
文件 8176 2015-06-18 14:24 MultipleLinearRegression-master\new.csv
文件 578 2015-06-18 14:24 MultipleLinearRegression-master\regexing.py
文件 373 2015-06-18 14:24 MultipleLinearRegression-master\regexing.py~
文件 207 2015-06-18 14:24 MultipleLinearRegression-master\testingCorrelation.py
文件 40 2015-06-18 14:24 MultipleLinearRegression-master\testingCorrelation.py~
文件 288 2015-06-18 14:24 MultipleLinearRegression-master\testingHomoskedasticity.py
文件 152 2015-06-18 14:24 MultipleLinearRegression-master\testingHomoskedasticity.py~
文件 224 2015-06-18 14:24 MultipleLinearRegression-master\testingNormality.py
文件 64 2015-06-18 14:24 MultipleLinearRegression-master\testingNormality.py~
文件 8534 2015-06-18 14:24 MultipleLinearRegression-master\trafficking_data.csv
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