import pygame
import random
import sys
import time
from pygame.locals import *
speed = 5
ballmax= 1
windows_height = 850
windows_width = 1390
Fullscreen = 0
bgcolor = (2 36 61)
switch = 1
onoff = 0
fen = 0
live = 5
level = 1
Bolck_row = 5
Block_column = 7
Bolck_height = 150
Bolck_width = 20
paddle = {
“rect“ : pygame.Rect(windows_width / 2 - 75 windows_height - 20 150 20)
“color“ : (24024080)
“moveonoff“ : 0
“paddlespeed“ : 8
class Ball(object):
lanball = [“Image/color9/120.png“ “Image/color9/220.png“ “Image/color9/320.png“ “Image/color9/420.png“
“Image/color9/520.png“ “Image/color9/620.png“ “Image/color9/720.png“ “Image/color9/820.png“
depot = [1 -1]
speedonoff = 0
ball_x = paddle[“rect“].left + 65
ball_y = windows_height - 40
ball_color = random.randint(08)
ball_dir_x = depot[random.randint(0 1)]
ball_dir_y = 1
ball_speed = speed * speedonoff
imgball = pygame.image.load(lanball[ball_color])
def main():
screnn = pygame.display.set_mode((windows_widthwindows_height)Fullscreen32)
while True:
def running(screen):
global ballmax
balllist = []
for i in range(100):
ball = Ball()
balllist[i].ball_color = random.randint(0 8)
balllist[i].ball_dir_x = balllist[i].depot[random.randint(0 1)]
balllist[i].imgball = pygame.image.load(balllist[i].lanball[balllist[i].ball_color])
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
elif event.type == KEYUP:
if (event.key == K_SPACE):
for j in range(ballmax):
# balllist[j].ball_x = paddle[“rect“].left + 65
balllist[j].speedonoff = 1
balllist[j].ball_speed = speed * balllist[ballmax-1].speedonoff
elif (event.key == K_a or event.key == K_d):
paddle[“moveonoff“] = 0
elif event.type == KEYDOWN:
if (event.key == K_ESCAPE):
elif (event.key == K_a):
paddle[“moveonoff“] = -1
elif (event.key == K_d):
paddle[“moveonoff“] = 1
# elif (event.key == K_UP):
# ballmax = ballmax + 1
# balllist[ballmax].ball_x = paddle[“rect“].left + 65
# elif (event.key == K_DOWN):
# ballmax = ballmax - 1
# balllist[ballmax].ball_x = paddle[“rect“].left + 65
# elif (event.key == K_RIGHT):
# Ball.ball_speed = Ball.ball_speed + 1
# elif (event.key == K_LEFT):
# Ball.ball_speed = Ball.ball_speed - 1
elif (event.key == K_f):
if (paddle[“moveonoff“] != 0 and balllist[0].ball_speed != 0):
paddle[‘rect‘].left = paddle[“rect“].left + ( paddle[“paddlespeed“] * paddle[“moveonoff“] )
if paddle[‘rect‘].left < 0:
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文件 2036 2018-10-28 15:44 Tanteball2\Image\changball\5paiball30.png
文件 3087 2018-10-28 15:44 Tanteball2\Image\changball\5paiball40.png
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