This is a book about software engineering principles applied to Python.
There are many books about software engineering, and many resources available with information about Python. The intersection of those two sets, though, is something that requires action, and that's the gap this book tries to bridge.
- Machine Learning with Python Cookbook Practica
- Python编程无师自通——专业程序员的
- 《零基础:21天搞定Python分布爬虫》课
- 《FlaskWeb开发:基于Python的Web应用开发
- python制作一个简单的图片编辑器
- Faster-RCNN-TensorFlow-Python3.5-master
- CherryPy Essentials - Rapid Python Web Applica
- Python入门xmind教程
- Machine Learning with Python Cookbook.pdf
- python-LDA主题分析
- pyqt5_python_Gui入门教程.docx
- Python3 基础知识思维导图
- pyltp安装wheel文件
- HMM实现中文分词python实现作业
- python aiml web 聊天机器人
- python实现音乐播放器
- 车辆检测系统python
- python scapy深入学习
- Think in python中英文对照pdf文件
- pytesser_v0.0.1_py3.6.rar
- FreeCAD [How-to] Solid Modeling with the power
- 图片感兴趣区域ROI获取——鼠标选择
- 基于 Python 的招聘网站数据分析.docx
- Python3最新中文手册(官方文档)
- PythonForDelphi for Python3.7 delphi7
- python网络数据采集.pdf30995
- pyinstaller打包exe适应所有的win系统
- python数据挖掘实验
- 基于Keras的attention实战
- Pyomo – Optimization Modeling in Python 无水
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