Deep Learning 入门推荐,由浅及深, 深入浅出
■Chapter 1: Introduction to Deep Learning ............................................................. 1
■■Chapter 2: Machine Learning Fundamentals ......................................................... 5
■■Chapter 3: Feed Forward Neural Networks ......................................................... 15
■■Chapter 4: Introduction to Theano ....................................................................... 33
■■Chapter 5: Convolutional Neural Networks ......................................................... 61
■■Chapter 6: Recurrent Neural Networks ............................................................... 77
■■Chapter 7: Introduction to Keras ......................................................................... 95
■■Chapter 8: Stochastic Gradient Descent ............................................................ 111
■■Chapter 9: Automatic Differentiation ................................................................. 131
■■Chapter 10: Introduction to GPUs ...................................................................... 147

属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 7128328 2018-01-08 05:41 Deep Learning with Python - A Hands-on Introduction - 1E (2017).pdf
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文件 7128328 2018-01-08 05:41 Deep Learning with Python - A Hands-on Introduction - 1E (2017).pdf
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