This book attempts to simplify and present the concepts of deep learning
in a very comprehensive manner, with suitable, full-fledged examples of
neural network architectures, such as Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
and Sequence to Sequence (seq2seq), for Natural Language Processing
(NLP) tasks. The book tries to bridge the gap between the theoretical and
the applicable.
It proceeds from the theoretical to the practical in a progressive
manner, first by presenting the fundamentals, followed by the underlying
mathematics, and, finally, the implementation of relevant examples.
The first three chapters cover the basics of NLP, starting with the most
frequently used Python libraries, word vector representation, and then
advanced algorithms like neural networks for textual data.
The last two chapters focus entirely on implementation, dealing with
sophisticated architectures like RNN, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
Networks, Seq2seq, etc., using the widely used Python tools TensorFlow
and Keras. We have tried our best to follow a progressive approach,
combining all the knowledge gathered to move on to building a questionand-
answer system.
The book offers a good starting point for people who want to get
started in deep learning, with a focus on NLP.
All the code presented in the book is available on GitHub, in the form
of IPython notebooks and scripts, which allows readers to try out these
examples and extend them in interesting, personal ways.
- 上一篇:拆解atlas资源脚本
- 下一篇:Python PPT课件
- Python PPT课件
- Foundations of Python Network Programming(3r
- Introduction to Programming Using Python 无水印
- matplotlib-1.4.3 windows python2.7 32位及64位
- Python Crash Course 2nd Edition (True PDF)
- Flask Web Development 2nd.Edition (True PDF)
- python超市销售数据分析
- python-3.7.3-amd64-webinstall.exe 安装包
- Python编程从入门到实践.zip
- tesserocr-2.4.0
- 基于开源框架Flask的教务系统的设计与
- 用Python做科学计算(scipy).pdf
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- python3+wxpython编程教程
- 西电数据挖掘作业——VSM人脸识别算
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- 算法设计与分析Python程振波编著 实验
- Python美食小程序带Djang后台
- 简明Python教程(第4版) A Byte of Pyth
- python2.7基于tkinter下实现拼图小游戏
- 字符型图片数字验证码识别完整过程
- 《Python机器学习》实验报告.doc
- 使用python爬取猫眼影评并进行可视化
- python-3.7.7-amd64-webinstall.exe
- python+opencv识别魔方颜色+kociemba算法应
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