Django是一个开放源代码的Web应用框架,由Python写成。采用了MVC的软件设计模式,即模型M,视图V和控制器C。Django 框架的核心组件有: 1. 用于创建模型的对象关系映射 2. 为最终用户设计的完美管理界面 3. 一流的 URL 设计 4. 设计者友好的模板语言 5. 缓存系统。 在Django中,控制器接受用户输入的部分由框架自行处理,所以 Django 里更关注的是模型(Model)、模板(Template)和视图(Views),称为 MTV模式。它们
各自的职责如下,Django 视图不处理用户输入,而仅仅决定要展现哪些数据给用户,而Django 模板 仅仅决定如何展现Django视图指定的数据。或者说, Django将MVC中的视图进一步分解为 Django视图 和 Django模板两个部分,分别决定 “展现哪些数据” 和 “如何展现”,使得Django的模板可以根据需要随时替换,而不仅仅限制于内置的模板。 至于MVC控制器部分,由Django框架的URLconf来实现。URLconf机制是使用正则表达式匹配URL,然后调用合适的Python函数。框架把控制层给封装了,无非与数据交互这层都是数据库表的读,写,删除,更新的操作
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
Created by Alkis Evlogimenos on 2009-04-19.
import itertools
import logging
import threading
from google.appengine.api import memcache
from google.appengine.api import apiproxy_stub_map
from google.appengine.datastore import datastore_pb
“““Provides a shim that caches datastore Get calls.
Example code:
import datastore_cache
# ...
def main(args):
class APIProxyShim(object):
“““A generic shim class with methods to install/uninstall it.
Subclasses of this class can be used to replace the real stub for a service
intercepting and possibly passing on calls to the original stub.
SERVICE_NAME = None # To be overridden by subclasses
_instance = None
def __init__(self wrapped_stub):
“““Constructor. Internal use only - see Install().“““
self._wrapped_stub = wrapped_stub
def CallWrappedStub(self call request response):
“““Allows subclasses to call the wrapped stub.“““
self._wrapped_stub.MakeSyncCall(self.SERVICE_NAME call request response)
def MakeSyncCall(self service call request response):
assert (service == self.SERVICE_NAME
‘Got service name “%s“ expected “%s“‘
% (service self.SERVICE_NAME))
messages = []
assert request.IsInitialized(messages) messages
method = getattr(self ‘_Dynamic_‘ + call None)
if method:
method(request response)
self.CallWrappedStub(call request response)
assert response.IsInitialized(messages) messages
def __getattr__(self name):
“““Pass-through to the wrapped stub.“““
return getattr(self._wrapped_stub name)
def Install(cls):
“““Installs the shim. Only needs to be run once at import time.
Note that this accesses internal members of APIProxyStubMap so may break
in future.
if not cls._instance:
wrapped_stub = apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.GetStub(cls.SERVICE_NAME)
assert wrapped_stub “No service ‘%s‘ found to wrap.“ % cls.SERVICE_NAME
cls._instance = cls(wrapped_stub)
stub_dict = apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy._APIProxyStubMap__stub_map
stub_dict[cls.SERVICE_NAME] = cls._instance
def Uninstall(cls):
“““Uninstalls the shim.
Note that there‘s no need to uninstall a shim after each request. You can
install it once at import time and leave it there between requests.
if cls._instance:
stub_dict = apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy._APIProxyStubMap__stub_map
stub_dict[cls.SERVICE_NAME] = cls._instance._wrapped_stub
cls._instance = None
class DatastoreCachingShim(APIProxyShim):
SERVICE_NAME = ‘datastore_v3‘
def __init__(self default_stub):
super(DatastoreCachingShim self).__init__(default_stub)
self.local = threading.local()
self.local.to_delete = d
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文件 2353 2010-02-03 22:36 pLite\.hg\store\data\appengine__django\db\ba
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