This book is an introduction to concepts, techniques, and applications in data
science. This book focuses on the analysis of data, covering concepts from statistics
to machine learning, techniques for graph analysis and parallel programming, and
applications such as recommender systems or sentiment analysis.
All chapters introduce new concepts that are illustrated by practical cases using
real data. Public databases such as Eurostat, different social networks, and
MovieLens are used. Specific questions about the data are posed in each chapter.
The solutions to these questions are implemented using Python programming
language and presented in code boxes properly commented. This allows the reader
to learn data science by solving problems which can generalize to other problems.
This book is not intended to cover the whole set of data science methods neither
to provide a complete collection of references. Currently, data science is an
increasing and emerging field, so readers are encouraged to look for specific
methods and references using keywords in the net.
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