通过Python给Shape文件添加字段,需要ArcGIS 10.0 以上版本支持
import arcpy
import arcpy as ARCPY
import arcpy.management as DM
import ErrorUtils as ERROR
import SSUtilities as UTILS
import SSDataobject as SSDO
from arcpy import env
import arcpy.cartography as CA
import os
#Note:This script is used to add judge fields
#if this script is runned in arctoolbox
#set argis geoprocessing run in progress window to make better performace
#otherwiseset argis geoprocessing run in background.
#before running this script you need to close other ArcGIS processes
#and close all related shapefile.
#InputFeature = “D:\\aaa\\test.shp“
InputFeature = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
#OutputFolder = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
if not os.path.exists(‘d:/a‘):
if not os.path.exists(
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