#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
# # Welcome to Jupyter!
# This repo contains an introduction to [Jupyter](https://jupyter.org) and [IPython](https://ipython.org).
# Outline of some basics:
# * [Notebook Basics](../examples/Notebook/Notebook%20Basics.ipynb)
# * [IPython - beyond plain python](../examples/IPython%20Kernel/Beyond%20Plain%20Python.ipynb)
# * [Markdown Cells](../examples/Notebook/Working%20With%20Markdown%20Cells.ipynb)
# * [Rich Display System](../examples/IPython%20Kernel/Rich%20Output.ipynb)
# * [Custom Display logic](../examples/IPython%20Kernel/Custom%20Display%20Logic.ipynb)
# * [Running a Secure Public Notebook Server](../examples/Notebook/Running%20the%20Notebook%20Server.ipynb#Securing-the-notebook-server)
# * [How Jupyter works](../examples/Notebook/Multiple%20Languages%2C%20Frontends.ipynb) to run code in different languages.
# You can also get this tutorial and run it on your laptop:
# git clone https://github.com/ipython/ipython-in-depth
# Install IPython and Jupyter:
# with [conda](https://www.anaconda.com/download):
# conda install ipython jupyter
# with pip:
# # first always upgrade pip!
# pip install --upgrade pip
# pip install --upgrade ipython jupyter
# Start the notebook in the tutorial directory:
# cd ipython-in-depth
# jupyter notebook
# In[1]:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- 上一篇:Python安卓QQ5.8协议源码
- 下一篇:nao机器人抓取程序
- Python数据分析与机器学习-Python库分析
- 决策树DecisionTree项目python代码实现
- RL-Stock-master 使用强化学习完成股票预
- point_move.py
- Python-Keras实现的DeepSpeech端到端语音识
- Python-FastFCN用于语义分割的RethinkingD
- Python-使用RNN股市预测
- Python-使用最新版本的tensorflow实现se
- Pandas官方文档
- python抓取高德POI数据,突破数据量限
- Python-人工智能和基于机器学习的机器
- OpenSSH用户枚举漏洞pocCVE-2018-15473
- Python-用TensorFlow实现神经网络实体关系
- Python-单目3D人体姿态检测
- 基于用户相似度和社会关系和地理位
- 基于Python的机器学习K-means聚类分析
- Pandas 使用手册.pdf
- 经典聚类算法python实现
- 2020年美赛C题的全部代码
- python 打印信息重定向 GUI界面 ,PyQt
- 邮件收发客户端
- cve-2018-2893-poc
- gvim常用插件及其配置文件配置解压即
- pyinstaller打包OpenCV错误解决
- pima_data.csv印第安人糖尿病数据集
- 机器学习神经网络资源
- arp欺骗python脚本:arp_spoof.py
- python Support Vector Machine(SVM)
- python实现3D图(基于matplotlib.pyplot与
- 多张图片识别文字(基于AipOcr)
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