import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy import linalgstats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
# 产生训练数据
num_sample = 100
a = 10*np.random.randn(num_sample1)
x1 = a+np.random.randn(num_sample1)
x2 = 1*np.sin(a)+np.random.randn(num_sample1)
x3 = 5*np.cos(5*a)+np.random.randn(num_sample1)
x4 = 0.8*x2+0.1*x3+np.random.randn(num_sample1)
x = np.hstack((x1x2x3x4))
xx_train = x
# 产生测试数据
a = 10*np.random.randn(num_sample1)
x1 = a+np.random.randn(num_sample1)
x2 = 1*np.sin(a)+np.random.randn(num_sample1)
x3 = 5*np.cos(5*a)+np.random.randn(num_sample1)
x4 = 0.8*x2+0.1*x3+np.random.randn(num_sample1)
xx_test = np.hstack((x1x2x3x4))
xx_test[50:1] = xx_test[50:1]+15*np.ones(50)
Xtrain = xx_train
Xtest = xx_test
# 标准化处理
X_mean = np.mean(Xtrain axis=0) #按列求Xtrain平均值
X_std = np.std(Xtrain axis=0) #求标准差
X_rowX_col = Xtrain.shape #求Xtrain行、列数
Xtrain = (Xtrain-np.tile(X_mean(X_row1)))/np.tile(X_std(X_row1))
# 求协方差矩阵
sigmaXtrain = np.cov(Xtrain rowvar=False)
lamdaT = linalg.eig(sigmaXtrain)
# D = flipud(diag(lamda))
T = T[:lamda.argsort()] #将T的列按照lamda升序排列
lamda.sort() #将lamda按升序排列
D = -np.sort(-np.real(lamda)) #提取实数部分,按降序排列
num_pc = 1
while sum(D[0:num_pc])/sum(D) < 0.9:
num_pc += 1
P = T[:X_col-num_pc:X_col]
TT = Xtrain.dot(T)
TT1 = Xtrain.dot(P)
# 求置信度为95%时的T2统计控制限
T2UCL1 = num_pc*(X_row-1)*(X_row+1)*stats.f.ppf(0.95num_pcX_row-num_pc)/(X_row*(X_row-num_pc))
# 置信度为95%的Q统计控制限
theta = []
for i in range(1 num_pc+1):
h0 = 1 - 2*theta[0]*theta[2]/(3*theta[1]**2)
ca = stats.norm.ppf(0.9501)
QUCL = theta[0]*(h0*ca*np.sqrt(2*theta[1])/theta[0] + 1 + theta[1]*h0*(h0 - 1)/theta[0]**2)**(1/h0)
# 在线监测:
# 标准化处理
# X_mean = np.mean(Xtest
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