美国麻省理工大学MIT开发的遗传算法C++类库GAlib, 功能强大, 扩展性非常好. 类库设计合理, 自定义包含数组, 树, 链表, 二进制四种编码方式.
/* Copyright (C) 1994 Free Software Foundation
This file is part of the GNU BitString Library. This library is free
software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option)
any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not write to the Free
Software Foundation 59 Temple Place - Suite 330 Boston MA 02111-1307 USA.
As a special exception
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 287546 2008-05-12 16:49 Massachusetts\CodeProject Genetic Algorithm_ Free source code and programming help.mht
文件 3168 2008-05-12 16:43 Massachusetts\Copyright and Licensing.htm
文件 94075 2008-05-12 16:43 Massachusetts\gademo.zip
文件 28332 2008-05-12 16:41 Massachusetts\GAlib Extensions.htm
文件 822 2007-03-07 08:16 Massachusetts\galib247\ChangeLog
文件 1706 2007-03-07 08:16 Massachusetts\galib247\COPYRIGHT
文件 174648 2007-03-07 08:16 Massachusetts\galib247\doc\API.html
文件 4713 2007-03-07 08:16 Massachusetts\galib247\doc\ClassHierarchy.html
文件 2058 2007-03-07 08:16 Massachusetts\galib247\doc\Copyright.html
文件 26425 2007-03-07 08:16 Massachusetts\galib247\doc\Extensions.html
文件 4787 2007-03-07 08:16 Massachusetts\galib247\doc\FeatureList.html
文件 2838 2007-03-07 08:16 Massachusetts\galib247\doc\GAlib.html
文件 297 2007-03-07 08:16 Massachusetts\galib247\doc\images\ArraySinglePointCrossover.gif
文件 308 2007-03-07 08:16 Massachusetts\galib247\doc\images\ArraySinglePointCrossover1.gif
文件 421 2007-03-07 08:16 Massachusetts\galib247\doc\images\ArrayUniformCrossover.gif
文件 825 2007-03-07 08:16 Massachusetts\galib247\doc\images\GAArray.gif
文件 1293 2007-03-07 08:16 Massachusetts\galib247\doc\images\GAHierarchy.gif
文件 526 2007-03-07 08:16 Massachusetts\galib247\doc\images\GAList.gif
文件 1220 2007-03-07 08:16 Massachusetts\galib247\doc\images\GATree.gif
文件 1207 2007-03-07 08:16 Massachusetts\galib247\doc\images\Generational.gif
文件 7014 2007-03-07 08:16 Massachusetts\galib247\doc\images\GenomeHierarchy.gif
文件 176 2007-03-07 08:16 Massachusetts\galib247\doc\images\ListDestructiveMutation.gif
文件 341 2007-03-07 08:16 Massachusetts\galib247\doc\images\ListGenerativeMutation.gif
文件 787 2007-03-07 08:16 Massachusetts\galib247\doc\images\ListOrderCrossover.gif
文件 599 2007-03-07 08:16 Massachusetts\galib247\doc\images\ListSinglePointCrossover.gif
文件 297 2007-03-07 08:16 Massachusetts\galib247\doc\images\ListSwapNodeMutation.gif
文件 404 2007-03-07 08:16 Massachusetts\galib247\doc\images\ListSwapSequenceMutation.gif
文件 454 2007-03-07 08:16 Massachusetts\galib247\doc\images\NCubeMigration.gif
文件 1773 2007-03-07 08:16 Massachusetts\galib247\doc\images\ScalingHierarchy.gif
文件 2183 2007-03-07 08:16 Massachusetts\galib247\doc\images\SelectionHierarchy.gif
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