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This program is about the data structure of RedBlackTree
The program include the file : redblack.h main.cpp
Abstract : It severs an class named RBTEE and some interface about the RBTREE:
Initalize the RBTREE
Insert node to the RBTREE
Delete node of the RBTREE
Print all the node of the RBTREE
The latest version is : 1.0
Author: Baimen
It has been tested in windows and Linux.
You can compile it with VS2008 or GCC
In linux you can compile it with the command : $g++ -o rbtree redblackt.h main.cpp
and use is with command $./rbtree
#include “redblack.h“
int main ()
rbtree debian; //定义树
// 采用菜单控制对红黑树的操作
string choice = ““;
cout<<“\3 0: Init\t\3 1 : Insert\t\3 2: Delpoint\t\3 3: Print\t\3Q:quit\n“;
cout<<“Please choose : “;
while ( choice != “Q“){
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 1838 2008-10-23 23:29 REDBLACkTREE\main.cpp
文件 17131 2008-10-21 14:57 REDBLACkTREE\redblack.h
目录 0 2008-10-29 17:40 REDBLACkTREE
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
18969 3
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