飞行射击游戏,C++编写,使用VC++ 6.0或者相关编译软件即可运行。相关的说明文档在内部有,每个类的用法以及功能描述都在里面,更多内容见文档。欢迎下载。
// Background object
// C++ Source - Background.cpp
//Download by http://www.NewXing.com
// Include Files
#include “Background.h“
// Background Constructor(s)/Destructor
Background::Background(int iWidth int iHeight COLORREF crColor)
// Initialize the member variables
m_iWidth = iWidth;
m_iHeight = iHeight;
m_crColor = crColor;
m_pBitmap = NULL;
Background::Background(Bitmap* pBitmap)
// Initialize the member variables
m_crColor = 0;
m_pBitmap = pBitmap;
m_iWidth = pBitmap->GetWidth();
m_iHeight = pBitmap->GetHeight();
// Background General Methods
void Background::Update()
// Do nothing since the basic background is not animated
void Background::Draw(HDC hDC)
// Draw the background
if (m_pBitmap != NULL)
m_pBitmap->Draw(hDC 0 0);
RECT rect = { 0 0 m_iWidth m_iHeight };
HBRUSH hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(m_crColor);
FillRect(hDC &rect hBrush);
// StarryBackground Constructor
StarryBackground::StarryBackground(int iWidth int iHeight int iNumStars
int iTwinkleDelay) : Background(iWidth iHeight 0)
// Initialize the member variables
m_iNumStars = min(iNumStars 100);
m_iTwinkleDelay = iTwinkleDelay;
// Create the stars
for (int i = 0; i < iNumStars; i++)
m_ptStars[i].x = rand() % iWidth;
m_ptStars[i].y = rand() % iHeight;
m_crStarColors[i] = RGB(128 128 128);
// StarryBackground General Methods
void StarryBackground::Update()
// Randomly change the shade of the stars so that they twinkle
int iRGB;
for (int i = 0; i < m_iNumStars; i++)
if ((rand() % m_iTwinkleDelay) == 0)
iRGB = rand() % 256;
m_crStarColors[i] = RGB(iRGB iRGB iRGB);
void StarryBackground::Draw(HDC hDC)
// Draw the solid black background
RECT rect = { 0 0 m_iWidth m_iHeight };
HBRUSH hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0 0 0));
FillRect(hDC &rect hBrush);
// Draw the stars
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 1750 2013-12-02 06:11 www.NewXing.com\Background.h
文件 1515 2013-12-02 06:11 www.NewXing.com\Bitmap.h
文件 4658 2013-12-02 06:11 www.NewXing.com\GameEngine.h
文件 1464 2013-12-02 06:11 www.NewXing.com\MeteorDefense.h
文件 1249 2013-12-02 06:11 www.NewXing.com\Resource.h
文件 6209 2013-12-02 06:11 www.NewXing.com\Sprite.h
文件 3116 2013-12-02 06:11 www.NewXing.com\Background.cpp
文件 6819 2013-12-02 06:11 www.NewXing.com\Bitmap.cpp
文件 14230 2013-12-02 06:11 www.NewXing.com\GameEngine.cpp
文件 9066 2013-12-02 06:11 www.NewXing.com\MeteorDefense.cpp
文件 5955 2013-12-02 06:11 www.NewXing.com\Sprite.cpp
....... 19818 2004-01-09 00:37 www.NewXing.com\Res\City.bmp
....... 147510 2004-01-09 00:47 www.NewXing.com\Res\Explosion.bmp
....... 118614 2004-01-09 00:37 www.NewXing.com\Res\GameOver.bmp
....... 93654 2004-01-09 00:37 www.NewXing.com\Res\Ground.bmp
....... 87302 2004-01-09 00:43 www.NewXing.com\Res\Meteor.bmp
....... 2358 2004-01-09 00:37 www.NewXing.com\Res\Missile.bmp
....... 3126 2004-01-09 00:37 www.NewXing.com\Res\Target.bmp
....... 66266 2002-07-29 13:09 www.NewXing.com\Res\BigExplode.wav
....... 15490 2002-07-29 13:07 www.NewXing.com\Res\Explode.wav
....... 8166 2002-07-29 13:05 www.NewXing.com\Res\Fire.wav
....... 4764 2007-10-16 14:16 www.NewXing.com\MeteorDefense.dsp
....... 532 2007-10-16 14:13 www.NewXing.com\MeteorDefense.dsw
....... 2238 2002-07-27 01:50 www.NewXing.com\Res\MeteorDefense.ico
....... 1406 2002-07-27 01:51 www.NewXing.com\Res\MeteorDefense_sm.ico
....... 31412 2002-07-29 14:17 www.NewXing.com\Music.mid
....... 31412 2002-07-29 14:17 www.NewXing.com\Res\Music.mid
....... 1511 2004-01-07 22:30 www.NewXing.com\MeteorDefense.rc
..AD... 0 2012-06-13 06:34 www.NewXing.com\Res
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