\brief Sample to get URG data using Win32
\author Satofumi KAMIMURA
$Id: capture_sample.cpp 1724 2010-02-25 10:43:11Z satofumi $
Compling and execute process
- In case of Visual Studio
- Select capture_sample.sln from capture_sample.zip
- When Visual Studio is started press F5 to build and execute.
- If COM port is not found then change the com_port in main function.
- In case of MinGW Cygwin
- % g++ capture_sample.cpp -o capture_sample
- % ./capture_sample
- If COM port is not found then change the com_port in main function.
\attention Change com_port com_baudrate values in main() with relevant values.
\attention We are not responsible for any loss or damage occur by using this program
\attention We appreciate the suggestions and bug reports
using namespace std;
// To record the output of SCIPdefine RAW_OUTPUT
//#define RAW_OUTPUT
#if defined(RAW_OUTPUT)
static FILE* Raw_fd_ = NULL;
enum {
Timeout = 1000 // [msec]
EachTimeout = 2 // [msec]
LineLength = 64 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 16
static int ReadableSize = 0;
static char* ErrorMessage = “no error.“;
\brief Manage sensor information
typedef struct
enum {
MODL = 0 //!< Sensor model information
DMIN //!< Minimum measurable distance [mm]
DMAX //!< Maximum measurable distance [mm]
ARES //!< Angle of resolution
AMIN //!< Minimum measurable area
AMAX //!< Maximum measurable area
AFRT //!< Front direction value
SCAN //!< Standard angular velocity
string model; //!< Obtained MODL information
long distance_min; //!< Obtained DMIN information
long distance_max; //!< Obtained DMAX information
int area_total; //!< Obtained ARES information
int area_min; //!< Obtained AMIN information
int area_max; //!< Obtained AMAX information
int area_front; //!< Obtained AFRT information
int scan_rpm; //!< Obtained SCAN information
int first; //!< Starting position of measurement
int last; //!< End position of measurement
int max_size; //!< Maximum size of data
long last_timestamp; //!< Time stamp when latest data is obtained
} urg_state_t;
// Delay
static void delay(int msec)
static int com_changeBaudrate(long baudrate)
DCB dcb;
GetCommState(HCom &dcb);
dcb.BaudRate = baudrate;
dcb.ByteSize =
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 17538 2013-01-28 10:40 capture_sample.cpp
文件 5482 2013-01-28 10:41 data_001.csv
文件 5483 2013-01-28 10:41 data_002.csv
文件 5482 2013-01-28 10:41 data_003.csv
文件 5482 2013-01-28 10:41 data_004.csv
文件 5482 2013-01-28 10:41 data_005.csv
文件 5482 2013-01-28 10:41 data_006.csv
文件 5482 2013-01-28 10:41 data_007.csv
文件 5478 2013-01-28 10:41 data_008.csv
文件 5482 2013-01-28 10:41 data_009.csv
文件 5483 2013-01-28 10:41 data_010.csv
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