#include “stdafx.h“
using namespace std;
static double r = 1;
static int number = 1;
void earth1(double x0 double y0 double z0)
double x y z thet phi;
//int nlat nlong;
double c;
x = x0; y = y0;
z = r + z0;//球顶坐标
glVertex3d(x y z);
c = 3.14159 / 180.0;
z = r*sin(c*80.0);
for (thet = -180.0; thet <= 180.0; thet += 5)
x = x0 + r*sin(c*thet)*cos(c*80.0);
y = y0 + r*cos(c*thet)*cos(c*80.0);
glColor3f(rand() / 32767.0 rand() / 32767.0 rand() / 32767.0);
glVertex3d(x y z);
x = x0; y = y0;
z = -r + z0;//球底坐标
glVertex3d(x y z);
z = -r*sin(c*80.0);
for (thet = -180.0; thet <= 180.0; thet += 5)
x = x0 + r*sin(c*thet)*cos(c*80.0);
y = y0 + r*cos(c*thet)*cos(c*80.0);
glColor3f(rand() / 32767.0 rand() / 32767.0 rand() / 32767.0);
glVertex3d(x y z);
for (phi = -80.0; phi <= 80.0; phi += 5)
for (thet = -180.0; thet <= 180.0; thet += 5)
x = x0 + r*sin(c*thet)*cos(c*phi);
y = y0 + r*cos(c*thet)*cos(c*phi);
z = z0 + r*sin(c*phi);
glColor3f(rand() / 32767.0 rand() / 32767.0 rand() / 32767.0);
glVertex3d(x y z);
x = x0 + r*sin(c*thet)*cos(c*(phi + 20.0));
y = y0 + r*cos(c*thet)*cos(c*(phi + 20.0));
z = z0 + r*sin(c*(phi + 20.0));
glColor3f(rand() / 32767.0 rand() / 32767.0 rand() / 32767.0);
glVertex3d(x y z);
void earth2(double x0 double y0 double z0)//三角形扇以及四边形带
double x y z thet phi;
//int nlat nlong;
double c;
x = x0; y = y0;
z = r + z0;//球顶坐标
glVertex3d(x y z);
c = 3.14159 / 180.0;
z = r*sin(c*80.0);
for (thet = -180.0; thet <= 180.0; thet += 20.0)
x = x0 + r*sin(c*thet)*cos(c*80.0);
y = y0 + r*cos(c*thet)*cos(c*80.0);
glColor3f(1.0 0.0 0.0);
glVertex3d(x y z);
x = x0; y = y0;
z = -r + z0;//球底坐标
glVertex3d(x y z);
z = -r*sin(c*80.0);
for (thet = -180.0; thet <= 180.0; thet += 20.0)
x = x0 + r*sin(c*thet)*cos(c*80.0);
y = y0 + r*cos(c*thet)*cos(c*80.0);
glColor3f(1.0 0.0 0.0);
glVertex3d(x y z);
for (phi = -80.0; phi <= 80.0; phi += 20.0)
for (thet = -180.0; thet <= 180.0; thet += 20.0)
x = x0 + r*sin(c*thet)*cos(c*phi);
y = y0 + r*cos(c*thet)*cos(c*phi);
z = z0 + r*sin(c*phi);
glColor3f(1.0 0.0 0.0);
glVertex3d(x y z);
x = x0 + r*sin(c*thet)*cos(c*(phi + 20.0));
y = y0 + r*cos(c*thet)*cos(c*(phi + 20.0));
z = z0 + r*sin(c*(phi + 20.0));
glColor3f(1.0 0.0 0.0);
glVertex3d(x y z);
void earth3(double x0 double y0 double z0)
double x y z thet phi;
//int nlat nlon
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 79654 1998-08-18 16:25 OpenGL_exercise--用三角形画球--OK\Lib\glut.lib
文件 169984 1998-08-18 16:25 OpenGL_exercise--用三角形画球--OK\Lib\glut32.dll
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