Functions for the observation model in a particle filter football player
@author Rob Hess
@version 1.0.0-20060306
#include “defs.h“
#include “utils.h“
#include “observation.h“
Converts a BGR image to HSV colorspace
@param bgr image to be converted
@return Returns bgr converted to a 3-channel 32-bit HSV image with
S and V values in the range [01] and H value in the range [0360]
IplImage* bgr2hsv( IplImage* bgr )
IplImage* bgr32f * hsv;
bgr32f = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(bgr) IPL_DEPTH_32F 3 );
hsv = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(bgr) IPL_DEPTH_32F 3 );
cvConvertScale( bgr bgr32f 1.0 / 255.0 0 );
cvCvtColor( bgr32f hsv CV_BGR2HSV );
cvReleaseImage( &bgr32f );
return hsv;
Calculates the histogram bin into which an HSV entry falls
@param h Hue
@param s Saturation
@param v Value
@return Returns the bin index corresponding to the HSV color defined by
\a h \a s and \a v.
int histo_bin( float h float s float v )
int hd sd vd;
/* if S or V is less than its threshold return a “colorless“ bin */
vd = MIN( (int)(v * NV / V_MAX) NV-1 );
if( s < S_THRESH || v < V_THRESH )
return NH * NS + vd;
/* otherwise determine “colorful“ bin */
hd = MIN( (int)(h * NH / H_MAX) NH-1 );
sd = MIN( (int)(s * NS / S_MAX) NS-1 );
return sd * NH + hd;
Calculates a cumulative histogram as defined above for a given array
of images
@param img an array of images over which to compute a cumulative histogram;
each must have been converted to HSV colorspace using bgr2hsv()
@param n the number of images in imgs
@return Returns an un-normalized HSV histogram for \a imgs
/* 对直方图进行计算
* 颜色特征对图像本身的尺寸、方向、视角的依赖性较小,从而具有较高的鲁棒性
* 粒子与目标的直方图月相似,就越可能是目标
histogram* calc_histogram( IplImage** imgs int n )
IplImage* img;
histogram* histo;
IplImage* h * s * v;
float* hist;
int i r c bin;
histo = malloc( sizeof(histogram) );
histo->n = NH*NS + NV;
hist = histo->histo;
memset( hist 0 histo->n * sizeof(float) );
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
/* extract individual HSV planes from image */
img = imgs[i];
h = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(img) IPL_DEPTH_32F 1 );
s = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(img) IPL_DEPTH_32F 1 );
v = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(img) IPL_DEPTH_32F 1 );
cvCvtPixToPlane( img h s v NULL );
/* increment appropriate histogram bin for each pixel */
// 计算直方图
for( r = 0; r < img->height; r++ )
for( c = 0; c < img->width; c++ )
bin = histo_bin( /*pixval32f( h r c )*/((float*)(h->imageData + h->widthStep*r) )[c]
((float*)(s->imageData + s->widthStep*r) )[c]
((float*)(v->imageData + v->widthStep*r) )[c] );
hist[bin] += 1;
cvReleaseImage( &h );
cvReleaseImage( &s );
cvReleaseImage( &v );
return histo;
Normalizes a histogram so all bins sum to 1.0
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 6476814 2008-05-29 11:00 gsl-1.8.exe
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6476814 1
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