// Client.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
1. I did not realize the passive listen method. You‘d better write it in your
client especially hoping to bypass firewall. :|)
2. Retransfering is not satisfied. I just realized the single file‘s retranfering. If
you want to realize the retransfering for both file and directory you should rewrite
the directory searching method. In this client I wrote DownloadWholeDirectory by
iterator here you should rewrite it by cycle. Using this way you
can record all unsent directory in flat. In fact if you do not care the effective you
could write the retransfering in a simple way. LENGTHArray is left for the purpo
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 243 2005-11-19 22:14 Client\Client.clw
文件 24700 2006-02-10 21:44 Client\Client.cpp
文件 4302 2005-11-24 06:55 Client\Client.dsp
文件 537 2005-11-19 22:14 Client\Client.dsw
文件 326 2005-11-19 22:14 Client\Client.h
文件 58368 2010-06-13 15:27 Client\Client.ncb
文件 48640 2010-06-13 15:27 Client\Client.opt
文件 2051 2010-06-12 18:24 Client\Client.plg
文件 1457 2005-11-19 22:14 Client\Client.rc
文件 147573 2010-06-12 18:24 Client\Debug\Client.exe
文件 186592 2010-06-12 18:24 Client\Debug\Client.ilk
文件 164368 2010-06-12 18:24 Client\Debug\Client.obj
文件 5638132 2010-06-12 18:24 Client\Debug\Client.pch
文件 312320 2010-06-12 18:24 Client\Debug\Client.pdb
文件 128 2010-06-12 18:24 Client\Debug\Client.res
文件 106108 2010-06-12 18:24 Client\Debug\StdAfx.obj
文件 254976 2010-06-12 18:24 Client\Debug\vc60.idb
文件 487424 2010-06-12 18:24 Client\Debug\vc60.pdb
文件 1605 2005-11-19 22:14 Client\ReadMe.txt
文件 447 2005-11-19 22:14 Client\Resource.h
文件 293 2005-11-19 22:14 Client\StdAfx.cpp
文件 1116 2005-11-22 03:59 Client\StdAfx.h
目录 0 2010-06-12 18:34 Client\Debug
目录 0 2010-06-13 15:27 Client
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
7441706 24
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