function [presscumpressrmsecvrmsec] = crossval(xyrmcvmlvsplititermcoutosc);
%CROSSVAL Cross-validation for PCA PLS and PCR
% This function does cross-validation for regression
% and principal components analysis models by several
% different methods including:
% leave-one-out (‘loo‘)
% venetian blind (‘vet‘)
% continuous blocks (‘con‘)
% repeated random test sets (‘rnd‘)
% The inputs are the scaled predictor variable matrix (x)
% predicted variable (y not needed for PCA models) regression method
% or PCA (rm) which can be:
% PLS via NIPALS algorithm (‘nip‘) (Old slow way of doing PLS)
% PLS via SIMPLS algorithm (‘sim‘) (New fast way of doing PLS)
% PCR (‘pcr‘)
% MLR (‘mlr‘)
% PCA (‘pca‘)
% cross-validation method (cvm as described above) number of latent
% variables or principal components to calculate (lv) number of
% sections to split the data into (split needed for ‘vet‘ ‘con‘
% and ‘rnd‘ cross validations) number of iterations (iter needed
% for ‘rnd‘) an optional variable which suppresses mean centering
% of the subsets when set to 0 (mc) an optional variable which
% supresses the output when set to 0 (out) and an optional variable
% which specifies the number of orthogonal signal correction components
% to use (osc) which can be a three element vector which specifies
% number of components iterations and tolerance (osc = [nocompitertol]).
% The outputs are the predictive residual error
% sum of squares (press) for each subset and the cumulative
% PRESS (cumpress). Note that for multivariate y the press
% output is grouped by output variable i.e. all of the PRESS values
% for the first variable are followed by all of the PRESS values
% for the second variable etc. Optional outputs are the root mean
% square error of cross-validation (rmsecv) and root mean square
% error of (rmsec).
%I/O: [presscumpressrmsecvrmsec] = crossval(xyrmcvmlvsplititermcoutosc);
% Some examples of how you might call CROSSVAL are:
% [presscumpress] = crossval(xy‘mlr‘‘loo‘);
% [presscumpress] = crossval(xy‘nip‘‘loo‘10);
% [presscumpress] = crossval(xy‘pcr‘‘vet‘103);
% [presscumpress] = crossval(xy‘nip‘‘con‘105);
% [presscumpress] = crossval(xy‘sim‘‘rnd‘10320);
% To suppress mean centering in the first two cases:
% [presscumpress] = crossval(xy‘mlr‘‘loo‘[][][]0);
% [presscumpress] = crossval(xy‘nip‘‘loo‘10[][]0);
% To add orthogonal signal correction with 2 components:
% [presscumpress] = crossval(xy‘sim‘‘vet‘103[][][]2);
% [presscumpress] = crossval(xy‘pcr‘‘con‘103[][][]2);
% For use with PCA you might call CROSSVAL like:
% [presscumpress] = crossval(x[]‘pca‘‘loo‘10);
% [presscumpress] = crossval(x
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