
%%%%%%%VERSION 1
%The Gabor filter is basically a Gaussian (with variances sx and sy along x and y-axes respectively)
%modulated by a complex sinusoid (with centre frequencies U and V along x and y-axes respectively)
%described by the following equation
% 1 -1 x ^ y ^
%%% G(xy) = ---------- * exp ([----{(----) 2+(----) 2}+2*pi*i*(Ux+Vy)])
% 2*pi*sx*sy 2 sx sy
%% Describtion :
%% I : Input image
%% Sx & Sy : Variances along x and y-axes respectively
%% U & V : Centre frequencies along x and y-axes respectively
%% G : The output filter as described above
%% gabout : The output filtered image
%% Author : Ahmad poursaberi e-mail : a.poursaberi@ece.ut.ac.ir
%% Faulty of Engineering Electrical&Computer DepartmentTehran
%% UniversityIranJune 2004
function [Ggabout] = gaborfilter(ISxSyUV);
if isa(I‘double‘)~=1
I = double(I);
for x = -fix(Sx):fix(Sx)
for y = -fix(Sy):fix(Sy)
G(fix(Sx)+x+1fix(Sy)+y+1) = (1/(2*pi*Sx*Sy))*exp(-.5*((x/Sx)^2+(y/Sy)^2)+2*pi*i*(U*x+V*y));
Imgabout = conv2(Idouble(imag(G))‘same‘);
Regabout = conv2(Idouble(real(G))‘same‘);
gabout = uint8(sqrt(Imgabout.*Imgabout + Regabout.*Regabout));
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2008-07-09 09:34 gaborfilter
文件 1307 2004-06-14 09:40 gaborfilter\gaborfilter.m
文件 1553 2004-06-14 09:39 gaborfilter\gaborfilter1.m
文件 1860 2004-06-14 09:39 gaborfilter\gaborfilter2.m
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
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