%function [opts] = Create_GaborF (ipts par)
% This function aims to create the argumented Gabor feature.
% input
% ipts. input data structure
% dat 3d image data matrix each dat(::i) is an (downsampled)
% image matrix.
% par. input parameter structure
% ds_w the downsample image‘s width in Gabor
% ds_h the downsample image‘s heigth in Gabor
% ke_w Gabor kernel‘s width
% ke_h Gabor kernel‘s heigth
% Kmax Gabor kernel‘s para default(pi/2)
% f Gabor kernel‘s para default(sqrt(2))
% sigma Gabor kernel‘s para default(pi or 1.5pi)
% Gabornum Gabor kernel‘s number
% output
% opts. output data structure
% gdat Gabor feature of training data each column is
% the argumented gabor feature vector of a sample
% Note(Zhen Cui): every Gabor kernel spans a
% vector of ds_w*ds_h and then concatenated the
% Gabornum thus vector.
% Copyright Mike YANG PolyU Hong Kong
% reference: LiuC.WechslerH.:Gabor Feature based Classification Using the Enhanced Fisher
% Linear Discriminant Model for Face Recognition IEEE IP 11 (2002)467–476.
function [opts] = Create_GaborF (ipts par)
if mod(par.ke_w2)~=1 | mod(par.ke_h2)~=1
error(‘The width and height of Gabor kernel should be odd number‘);
[ GaborReal GaborImg ] = MakeAllGaborKernal( par.ke_h par.ke_w par.Gabor_numpar.Kmax par.f par.sigma);
radius_w = floor(par.ke_w/2);
radius_h = floor(par.ke_h/2);
center_w = radius_w+1;
center_h = radius_h+1;
ker_ener = [];
% according the par.raT to select a suitable and accurate size of kernel window
for step = 1: (radius_w+radius_h)/2
ratio = 0;
for i = 1 :40
temp_r1 = sum(sum(abs(GaborReal(center_h-radius_h+step:center_h+radius_h-stepcenter_w-radius_w+step:center_w+radius_w-stepi))));
temp_r2 = sum(sum(abs(GaborReal(::i))));
temp_i1 = sum(sum(abs(GaborImg(center_h-radius_h+step:center_h+radius_h-stepcenter_w-radius_w+step:center_w+radius_w-stepi))));
temp_i2 = sum(sum(abs(GaborImg(::i))));
ratio = ratio + temp_r1/temp_r2/80 + temp_i1/temp_i2/80;
ker_ener = [ker_ener ratio];
if ratio < par.raT
step = step - 1;
num = size(ipts.dat3);
for i = 1: num
kel_GR = GaborReal(center_h-radius_h+step:center_h+radius_h-stepcenter_w-radius_w+step:center_w+rad
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2019-04-24 19:42 Gabor Matlab\
文件 3255 2011-08-20 10:55 Gabor Matlab\Create_GaborF.m
文件 985 2011-08-20 19:19 Gabor Matlab\Gabor_T_Fast1.m
文件 738 2011-03-03 17:23 Gabor Matlab\Gaborforfolder.m
文件 981 2015-10-21 15:23 Gabor Matlab\Gaborsetting.m
文件 782 2010-07-09 10:09 Gabor Matlab\MakeAllGaborKernal.m
文件 1037 2010-07-08 22:16 Gabor Matlab\MakeGaborKernal.m
文件 174 2011-08-20 20:01 Gabor Matlab\Readme.txt
目录 0 2019-04-24 20:02 Gabor Matlab\images\
文件 13078 2011-08-19 19:41 Gabor Matlab\images\Crop1.bmp
文件 5120 2015-10-27 15:02 Gabor Matlab\images\Thumbs.db
文件 391535 2017-06-15 17:41 Gabor Matlab\images\一号公路.PNG
文件 446142 2017-06-15 17:46 Gabor Matlab\images\上海外滩.PNG
文件 330449 2017-06-15 18:08 Gabor Matlab\images\东京塔.PNG
文件 539426 2017-06-15 17:38 Gabor Matlab\images\九曲花街.PNG
文件 407486 2017-06-16 21:50 Gabor Matlab\images\北京颐和园.PNG
文件 407011 2017-06-15 18:00 Gabor Matlab\images\印度尼西亚海神庙.PNG
文件 440820 2017-06-15 18:14 Gabor Matlab\images\地狱谷.PNG
文件 357477 2017-06-15 17:39 Gabor Matlab\images\大峡谷国家公园.PNG
文件 487572 2017-06-15 17:38 Gabor Matlab\images\大都会艺术博物馆.PNG
文件 446882 2017-06-15 18:10 Gabor Matlab\images\大阪城公园.PNG
文件 224343 2017-06-15 17:45 Gabor Matlab\images\天安门广场.PNG
文件 561497 2017-06-15 18:07 Gabor Matlab\images\奈良公园.PNG
文件 238700 2017-06-15 18:13 Gabor Matlab\images\富士山‘.PNG
文件 402059 2017-06-15 17:49 Gabor Matlab\images\峨眉金顶.PNG
文件 433491 2017-06-15 17:40 Gabor Matlab\images\帝国大厦.PNG
文件 534902 2017-06-15 17:48 Gabor Matlab\images\成都锦里.PNG
文件 388199 2017-06-15 17:43 Gabor Matlab\images\故宫.PNG
文件 528828 2017-06-15 17:40 Gabor Matlab\images\斯坦福大学.PNG
文件 498368 2017-06-15 17:55 Gabor Matlab\images\新加坡鱼尾狮公园.PNG
文件 523584 2017-06-15 17:40 Gabor Matlab\images\时代广场.PNG
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