H = CLICKA3DPOINT(POINTCLOUD) shows a 3D point cloud and lets the user
% select points by clicking on them. The selected point is highlighted
% and its index in the point cloud will is printed on the screen.
% POINTCLOUD should be a 3*N matrix, represending N 3D points.
% Handle to the figure is returned.
% other functions required:
% CALLBACKCLICK3DPOINT mouse click callback function
% ROWNORM returns norms of each row of a matrix
% To test this function ...
% pointCloud = rand(3,100)*100;
% h = clickA3DPoint(pointCloud);
% now rotate or move the point cloud and try it again.
% (on the figure View menu, turn the Camera Toolbar on, ...)
% To turn off the callback ...
% set(h, 'WindowButtonDownFcn','');
function callbackClickA3DPoint(src eventData pointCloud)
% CALLBACKCLICK3DPOINT mouse click callback function for CLICKA3DPOINT
% The transformation between the viewing frame and the point cloud frame
% is calculated using the camera viewing direction and the ‘up‘ vector.
% Then the point cloud is transformed into the viewing frame. Finally
% the z coordinate in this frame is ignored and the x and y coordinates
% of all the points are compared with the mouse click location and the
% closest point is selected.
% Babak Taati - May 4 2005
% revised Oct 31 2007
% revised Jun 3 2008
% revised May 19 2009
point = get(gca ‘CurrentPoint‘); % mouse click position
camPos = get(gca ‘CameraPosition‘); % camera position
camTgt = get(gca ‘CameraTarget‘); % where the camera is pointing to
camDir = camPos - camTgt; % camera direction
camUpVect = get(gca ‘CameraUpVector‘); % camera ‘up‘ vector
% build an orthonormal frame based on the viewing direction and the
% up vector (the “view frame“)
zAxis = camDir/norm(camDir);
upAxis = camUpVect/norm(camUpVect);
xAxis = cross(upAxis zAxis);
yAxis = cross(zAxis xAxis);
rot = [xAxis; yAxis; zAxis]; % view rotation
% the point cloud represented in the view frame
rotatedPointCloud = rot * pointCloud;
% the clicked point represented in the view frame
rotatedPointFront = rot * point‘ ;
% find the nearest neighbour to the clicked point
pointCloudIndex = dsearchn(rotatedPointCloud(1:2:)‘ ...
h = findobj(gca‘Tag‘‘pt‘); % try to find the old point
selectedPoint = pointCloud(: pointCloudIndex);
if isempty(h) % if it‘s the first click (i.e. no previous point to delete)
% highlight the selected point
h = plot3(selectedPoint(1:) selectedPoint(2:) ...
selectedPoint(3:) ‘r.‘ ‘MarkerSize‘ 20);
set(h‘Tag‘‘pt‘); % set its Tag property for later use
else % if it is not the first click
delete(h); % delete the previously selected point
% highlight the newly selected point
h = plot3(selectedPoint(1:) selectedPoint(2:) ...
selectedPoint(3:) ‘r.‘ ‘MarkerSize‘ 20);
set(h‘Tag‘‘pt‘); % set its Tag property for later use
fprintf(‘you clicked on point number %d\n‘ pointCloudIndex);
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 2361 2009-11-10 14:54 callbackClickA3DPoint.m
文件 1600 2009-11-10 14:52 clickA3DPoint.m
文件 1332 2009-11-10 15:00 license.txt
文件 338 2009-11-10 14:51 rowNorm.m
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